MovieChat Forums > The People vs. George Lucas (2011) Discussion > A gimmick pretending to be a real film

A gimmick pretending to be a real film

This movie is a pure marketing gimmick aimed at the fanboy market, which is lucrative. The filmmakers are taking potshots at one of its original heroes as a way to jumpstart their careers and make a quick buck. If you respect George Lucas, don't see this movie. Besides, who cares anyway.

By the way I loved the last three star was movies (phantom, clone, etc) If you just watch for the jedi scenes, these movies are brilliantly written. Jar jar sucked, but the jedis hated him too!


By the way I loved the last three star was movies (phantom, clone, etc)

Then your opinion doesn't matter.


"If you respect George Lucas, don't see this movie."

It is lucky for me, then, that I no longer have any respect for the man, or what he's done since 1980.

The phrase "Brilliantly written", especially where the last three to four and a half movies are concerned, is open to interpretation.

It is important to remember that there will always be rabid supporters of the man, boys who would swallow dried dog turds if they were officially sanctioned by George's licensing division (limited edition,of course, with a randomly packed, foil-plated "chase" turd) and stamped with the official SW logo. Some of those boys appear to be posting on this board.

Now - Where can I see this movie ?


Red Letter Media also has a review of the final film as well. He does a great job summarizing not only the plot holes, but also the filming problems that occur throughout the prequels.

Important questions like "Who is the protagonist in TPM" shouldn't go unanswered. Plot holes like "Why did they attack Naboo on the opposite side of the planet from where the city actually was (the planet core arguement)"

RLM did a fantastic job. I'm interested in watching this film to see how it compares.



"There`s being disapointed that 1-3 wasnt exactly close to original trilogy and theres hating just for the sake of hating. A lot of you guys here seems to fall in that basket."

There comes a point where your suspension-bridge of disbelief is bearing too heavy of a load and it all snaps. It wasn't as simple as any one single scene ruining the movies (although for me the atrocious CGI arena scene in part II which is probably the worst series of effects shots in a big budget movie of all time was the last straw), it was the massive amount of problems. No one is "hating for the sake of hating", the prequels are simply bad films.

Plus the effects have aged terribly. Hell, the effects looked like *beep* by the time Episode II was released, it's like watching 6 hours of the cut scenes from Wing Commander IV. The problem is that these movies are nothing BUT effects, they have no other good qualities to fall back on like other films do (Planet of the Apes is a great example, it's still an amazingly fun movie despite the dated effects).

