MovieChat Forums > The People vs. George Lucas (2011) Discussion > A gimmick pretending to be a real film

A gimmick pretending to be a real film

This movie is a pure marketing gimmick aimed at the fanboy market, which is lucrative. The filmmakers are taking potshots at one of its original heroes as a way to jumpstart their careers and make a quick buck. If you respect George Lucas, don't see this movie. Besides, who cares anyway.

By the way I loved the last three star was movies (phantom, clone, etc) If you just watch for the jedi scenes, these movies are brilliantly written. Jar jar sucked, but the jedis hated him too!


As far as I am concerned, this sort of thing makes a fool out of the fanbase. It's embarrassing.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Do you *HONESTLY* think the hardcore starwars fanboy fanbase has the ability to be embarrassed?


By the sounds of this, it's basically what it says on Star Wars fanboy message boards put up onscreen, I dont particularly like George Lucas these days for screwing up Star Wars with the (first two) prequels but this is just being extremley petty and pathetic, let's not forget that he's the reason for Star Wars existing in the first place.

Clarence, I like you. I always have. Always will.




"let's not forget that he's the reason for Star Wars existing in the first place."

I don't know that in retrospect, I'm all that grateful, considering how things have turned out.


all star wars were bad movies, I mean 'I am your father?' wow... cuz that was already obvious.


Please. It wasn't obvious, because it was never the original intention. Originally, the character of Luke had a father who was not Vader.


Exactly. Obi Wan's schpiel about "so Vader DID kill your father, from a certain point of view..." is Just no.


Sounds like the people that are complaining are the ones who don't mind what Lucas has done.

I don't have any particularly negative feelings towards Lucas, but I think the idea for this documentary is interesting. What it boils down to is whether the documentary purely throws an argument up on the screen just to revel in it or whether it makes some kind of statement about the consequences of fandom these days or something along those lines.





If you saw the movie, as opposed to the trailer, you'd see it's more balanced than you think. I saw it at Hot Docs last night and found it to be pretty balanced.

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. - Anais Nin


I completely disagree with you. All three prequels were horrible. The storyline did not flow or make sense in any of the three films. They all seemed mish-mashed together revealing major plot holes.

It's pretty funny you criticize the film makers of TPvsGL for trying to earn a quick buck, cause these prequels were nothing more than a cash grab for Lucas. He is shown in bonus footage whining that TPM would never beat Titanic in revenue. Look at each prequel film and ask yourself how they contributed to the Saga. They did not add anything, they took away.

I also do not agree with you about the "brilliant writing" of the Jedi scenes. They come off clumsy and had the rehearsed feel to them leaving no tension.

Someone mentioned below the reviews of TPM & AOTC by Red Letter Media, which are spot on. Watch them and tell me exactly how RLM is incorrect.



Ok, list the plot holes you noticed, and further your point.
I'm actually very interested in seeing these plot holes that I've never actually payed attention to before.

They made perfect sense to me, I understood every detail in each movie.

And they actually added a lot.
I.e., you find out about Luke and Leia's parentage, what the Clone Wars are, what happened, why Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader, etc.


Wait, you didn't find a single thing in the prequels that made you a little confused at all? So I guess you knew right away why there was an attempt to kill Padme, who was behind it beyond the bounty hunter and what his business was. And how a guy who died 10 years ago managed to order a clone army last week didn't make you wonder at all? You also knew during that video game scene of all those cg droids attacking other cg clones exactly who to root for and why. You understood where the clones came from and never questioned why none of the Jedi ever said something like "Hey, what's going on?" or asked more about what was happening instead of just acting like they had to not do anything unscripted.

As for the movie, if you get interviews of people like Gary Kurtz and others, I think they know what they are doing. Sure there might be emotional rants from fan submissions but just from reading up on their website, these guys seem to understand professionalism very well.

NEW petition for the unaltered Star Wars Trilogy


Here's a youtube video that lists all the plot holes thorough out the Star Wars Episode I and II.

The Phantom Menance

Attack of the Clones


The Phantom Menance

Attack of the Clones

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