Fan films

Are there any other examples of a successful film made by fans?

Other than splicing together little trailers, I've never seen one of this scale.


There was a film made by fans of Indiana Jones, I think I read that they completley remade one of the first three, shot for shot. George Lucas and Steven Speilberg even know of it and gave it a thumbs up.


But that's like a "swede." This film is adapting a whole new story from Middle Earth, gleaned from the LOTR appendices. Tolkien always wanted to create the first great English mythology; I'll bet he'd be proud of this effort.

"Introduce a little anarchy." ~The Joker
"We Fascists are the only true anarchists." ~The Duke


"The First great English mytholodgy" - I don't think so.

I am a great fan of Tolkein but even I admit that his great works were soundly based in already exisiting mythology. To call Middle Earth the "First" English mythology is silly and mildly insulting to we English. We have myths and legends going back thousands of years in this country.

I am pretty sure Tolkein would fiercly dispute your statement if he were alive today as he was a Professor of Anglo Saxon literature and obviously very well aware of "English" mythology.

I haven't seen this film yet but as soon as I get a chance I will watch it with interest. I always felt that Tolkein was very sketchy about the period between Isildur and Aragorn.


"I am pretty sure Tolkein would fiercly dispute your statement if he were alive today as he was a Professor of Anglo Saxon literature and obviously very well aware of "English" mythology."

No, the poster you're responding to has a greater knowledge of Tolkien; all you're presenting is an assumption. I wish I could find it, but there's a specific text where Tolkien says that he thinks Britain has no true mythology of its own. What it has are some imported Scandinavian myths and the Arthurian myths which Tolkien dismissed as too much influenced by French romanticism.

Did I not love him, Cooch? MY OWN FLESH I DIDN'T LOVE BETTER!!! But he had to say 'Nooooooooo'


Hi there PterosValley!

Just like you, I was wondering if there would be other fanfilms like this.

As result I found: Bourn of Hope (

The movie isn't finished yet, but it looks really promising!

I hope i have helped you with your question,



Star Wars: Revelations is well worth a look at. Looks great but badly acted.

Why quote other people when I like the sound of my own voice?


Star Wreck was definitely a successful film made by fans (of Star Trek). It's more a parody/farce than an actual "fan film", though. Describing it as "not part of the canon" would be an understatement =).

Trailer here:
(full film also available on the site)


The most successful fan film (or series of fan films) is probobly Star Trek: Phase 2, who have created something like 8 hour long episodes (not all yet released) with the support of Rodenberry's son and wife as well as stars and writers of the original show like as George Takei, Walter Koenig, and David Gerald (Trouble with Tribbles).


The HP Lovecraft Historical Society made a really good version of The Call Of Cthulhu. It's probably the best fan film I've seen, and Hunt For Gollum is up there with it.


Batman: Dead End shows art direction done right.



Troops. 1998.

One of the internets earliest successes in fan films. George Lucas was so impressed with it he declared the flick official lost footage from the original movie.


I already posted that yesterday!


I already posted that yesterday!

Sorry megAnhalt, guess I stopped reading too soon. But you have to admit, it's surprising that it wasn't mentioned a lot sooner.


Here's another LotR fan flick in production but I haven't read too much about this one yet


Well there is an ongoing project
called I.M.P.S. - imperial Military Personnel Stories
set in the star wars universe

and its low-budget precursor Troops

Trailer for I.M.P.S.


I.M.P.S.Chapter 1

Unfortunately they only have one episode of a planned 7 part series done as of now, but it's self-contained and worth seeing.


A very funny little film is "TROOPS", which is a "COPS" reality show parody showing the daily routines of Imperial Stormtroopers on Tattooine and tieing into A New Hope.

AFAIK, even George Lucas has endorsed it after seeing it and called it "actually lost footage from "Star Wars".


Troops was great, I remember watching it back in the day.


Most great fan films I've seen are done by Star Wars fans - Troops (a spoof of Cops) and The Art of the Saber.

"It is not enough to like a film. You must like it for the right reasons."
- Pierre Rissient
