Racist Whites Actually Think James Marsden Was The Funniest
With outstanding performances by Danny Glover and Columbus Short, Marsden doesn't even compare.
shareWith outstanding performances by Danny Glover and Columbus Short, Marsden doesn't even compare.
shareHow was Glovers performance in any way outstanding? He shouted, waved a stick, said his catchphrase and then fell asleep.
shareI love everybody who was in tis movie but I found that James Marsden was by far the funniest. I was absolutely hilarious.
So this is what it looks like inside a lime.
I think thats what the op is saying....Marsden performance was so corney, even a sleeping blackman was funnier!! lol
My IMDb credentials:
Glover's character was annoying and the bathroom scene was disgusting and unnecessary.
Hey racist white guy, how was James Marsden the funniest? All he did was act weird and used dated James Carey-style jokes. He bored the hell out of me.
Glover was indeed funny with his sobering words and the toilet scene, priceless.
Ring in the New Year with ghosts!
In a comedic movie finding one person in the cast to be funniest is to be expected. As is someone else thinking it to be another.
Different strokes for different folks. Take looks for example, beauty is truely in the eye of beholder, none the less there are people who are generally thought to be more attractive, and there are those thought overall by people to be un-attractive. BUT, everyone is someones beautiful.
Is the idea that he was funniest is an opinion, of course. Just like looks.
Everything's opinion. Everything in life is all down to your own persective to how you see it.
There will be general perspective on everything in life.
Is your perpective any less valid when it corresponds with that of whatever the general one just happens to be?
The idea that "Racist Whites" think this...the fact that you chose to see it as such instead of you having one opinion, them having another.
Were I trying to discern racism, out of any of this it would be to your mind even thinking of racism, to explain(or belittle as it is) an opinion like this of someone who was playing a person on drugs. (we do seem to find drug humor pretty funny do we not?)
Yeah they're racist.
I thought it was in the shape of Florida!
Racist and ignorant OPs make statements about race when it's clearly about opinion and preference.
Racism fail.
I ain't your friend, palooka.
A naked white man running around acting a fool off LSD is as funny to white America as f-a-r-t-i-n-g is to Brits...thought everybody knew that, LoL!! Why do you think Brits always has idiot f arting in their corny comedies??
Loretta Devine stole the show as usual...that woman cracks me up
My IMDb credentials:
What?? All Brits dont find farting funny, who told you that? maybe back in the 70's with the carry on films, what corny comedies do you speak of? i cant remember any film where that happens. Independent British films are some of the best in the world. Im English in case you hadnt guessed. saw it and has to comment.
On the racism thing tho, it does my head in. Its getting out of control know one can say anything for fear of upsetting someone, grow a pair of balls and deal with it, oooh someone called you black, when you prefer Anglo-African. i get called white im not bothered i am white. I dnt want people to start calling me Anglo-European or Anglo saxon thats just ridiculus.
Thats not true! Im black and I luvd James Marsden!!
Mr Ryan: Who Was Joan Of Arc?
Ted: Noah's Wife?
I thought James Marsden was fantastic because he had one of the best roles to play and he did a great job! It could have easily been stupid, but he rocked! When he started singing Amazing Grace? Hilarious! Plus the OP seems to have issues - look at the other threads he started.
Goblin Cannonball: I hit something! Yes?!? No?!?
James Marsden was funnies character in the movie, his char was funniest in the oorginal movie as well.
Glover didnt do anything the movie, so youre right, his part cant be compared to actual actors...
BronzeKeilani, are you a complete moron? British comedies aren't exactly known for their toilet humour. Look no further than your own country for such degenerate comedies (Meet the Spartans, Epic Movie spring to mind). Also The Office had to be dumbed down for American audiences (the american producers admitted this). Use your brains in future before making idiotic statements.
shareClearly you haven't seen the original, and just embarrassed yourself by looking like an idiot. Same SHlT happens in the British version. Pun intended.
tracy morgan and marsden were the funniest. but zoe stole the movie.
"We didn't cross the border. The border crossed us!"
I'm white (Armenian, actually) and I live in SoCal like the characters, and all I can say is that the FUNNIEST performance that had me laughing like I've never laughed before was easily Danny Glover.
"You liked my book, Uncle Russell?"
"No, you arrogant bastard. It was *beep* LOL
omg zoe was lame, u could have had any hot chick play her role and it wouldnt have mattered, but i guess thats more the role than the actress
shareI thought James Marsden was the funniest in the movie by far. He was then followed by Luke Wilson, the only other random white guy at the funeral, and then some of the white people at Uncle Russell's nursing home. I found all of these white people to be far funnier than a single black person in the film.
You're absolutely correct, nepats25. And might I add that "racist Whites" wouldn't have watched this film in the first place for obvious reasons.
What a silly thread topic.
Whatever, troll. So you didn't find ONE single black person in the film funny. I find that MORE a little hard to believe, seeing as how many funny things were going on in this flick.