1. Silence - underrated and underviewed, Scorsese's work is personal and uncomfortable to watch for the best reasons. This film was robbed at award season. I'm not saying it should have won everything necessarily, but it wasn't even on the list of Best Pictures at the Academy Awards - and they had a free slot! Not to mention the terrific cast! I just sat in, yes, silence, as the credits rolled on this one. I couldn't move. I had already been moved so much.
2. Raging Bull - a near-perfect classic Scorsese, plus it just bleeds with the kind of poignancy that comes from a true-life-story done *right*.
3. Gangs of New York - another dark horse for me, but I love this picture. Daniel Day Lewis is as good as he gets, the atmosphere is perfect, the blend of the historical with the dramatic is done so well, and it's just awesome to drink in.
4. Taxi Driver - my favourite for a long time. I still think it's wonderful, but it's just not quite as great as the others - high bar.
5. The Irishman - narrowly edging out The Departed, I think largely because I feel more "humanity" off of this one, especially with the third act showing us the end of De Niro's character's story.
If I went No.s 6 and 7, they'd be The Departed and Mean Streets, in that order.