MovieChat Forums > Iron Man Three (2013) Discussion > Pepper Potts = The Best Female Character...

Pepper Potts = The Best Female Character in Comic Book Movie History?

I've read so much praise RDJr and also for Guy Pearce and rightfully so but Gwyneth Paltrow's Pepper Potts needs more love.

She has been pitch perfect in all three movies and has made Pepper the best female character in any comic book film since Lois Lane in the original Superman.

Yes, Haley Atwell as Peggy Carter was equally wonderful and strong in Captain America but Pepper's character arc grew so much from an assistant in IM1 to a full CEO and hero in this film.


Natalie Portman has been published twice in scientific journals. The "Thor" star has a bachelor's degree from Harvard . She the complete package and says Marvel is smart as well as fun!


Just saw her on Byron Allen's Entertainers. She is so involved and such a great character in Thor.


Jane Foster and Lady Sif are at the cinema right now making their claim.


Marvel will not rest on what has come before. They will keep adding strong female characters every single movie and they will keep building on ones already seen. I expect Sharon Carter in Winter Soldier to be introduced but be high quality for future films.


Is that the Lethal Weapon connection?


Diplomatic immunity!

Has just been REVOKED!


Yes, Haley Atwell as Peggy Carter was equally wonderful and strong in Captain America but Pepper's character arc grew so much from an assistant in IM1 to a full CEO and hero in this film.

This may change now that Peggy Carter is getting her own TV series.


Black Widow is female (da) and may be the best female character after what I've been reading about her role in Cap 2!


The tabloids can hate on Gwyneth in real life all they want but you can't argue her work is amazing.


Well, it's true that Potts won't get her own TV show like Agent Carter but she did appear on the telephone in Agents of SHIELD.


What about when Jessica Jones hits Netflix with actual super powers?


Gamora and Captain Marvel may just re-write the history books.


Jessica Jones turned out to be a big let down for me. That show delivered nothing but a depressing and mindless one note.


They had better not write Pepper out of future Avenger films. Yes, she's "running the largest tech company on earth" as Tony told Thor but we need to see more of her on screen.


Smart characters do that to you.

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."


Just announced today: She will be back in Civil War!

Praise be!


Well, her role must have been cut after she shot it. She was missed.


what makes Iron Man movies for me is RDJ and Gwyneth´s chemistry...their relationship is the heart of Iron Man movies...

Best chemistry in MCU imo...
I miss Pepper very much tbh


Yes! It was good to see that heart hurting in Civil War. It put Tony is the place he needed to be for that movie. Yet, I hope they get together again in future films.


I have a smile on my face when I watch their scenes!
Great writing and acting!
