MovieChat Forums > Iron Man Three (2013) Discussion > A Vast Majority Of Fans Love This Movie

A Vast Majority Of Fans Love This Movie

The alleged fanboy outcry that they hate the movie because they changed characters from the books proves that the vocal minority means squat. I popped in to SHH and their main page has a poll that rates the film. Even factoring in the percentage pure DC fans who naturally vote anything Marvel down, these are the current results...

8 out of 10 20.3%
10 out of 10 19.6%
7 out of 10 16.1%
9 out of 10 15.9%

That's over 70% of the fans who think IM3 is a good to great film. SHH is the fanboy capital site. I think all this fake clamor and minority hate gets put in perspective when you see polls like that and, ultimately, the box office numbers. The latter being the only poll that matters.


It's good to see that Marvel knows the pulse of general audiences and can adapt. This was true in 2013 about IM3 and it's true today in 2016 about Civil War.


But nobody have said that Iron Man 3 is universally hated and it doesn't have fans, since it's illogical, considering the fact that almost any movie can have fans and haters. Transformers movies also have fans yet they're the most hated current movie franchise. But even if Iron Man 3 has fans, doesn't mean that there aren't people that didn't like it. Iron Man 3 is a divisive movie, which proves that there are some problems with the movie, otherwise vast majority, which means 90% of the people, would love it. But movie is divisive, and it has problems that some people have overlooked and some people have noticed. There is no such thing as "vocal minority". Those are the people with their own mind that have their individual outlook on certain things. They just found an agreement over something. Each opinion is subjective. If there are more people that loved Iron Man 3, it doesn't say anything objective about whether the movie is great or bad, since it all based on subjective point of view of different people. Only a delusional idiots measure the quality with the quantity. Iron Man 3 has problems, and some people don't like it. Deal with it.
