MovieChat Forums > Iron Man Three (2013) Discussion > Tony Stark Is The Weapon NOT Iron Man = ...

Tony Stark Is The Weapon NOT Iron Man = Brilliant

First off, I must say this really is a great number three film. Second, I'm one comic book fan who enjoyed almost every minute of this film. Despite a few whines, IT DOES STICK TO THE BOOKS where it counts.


I had high expectations going in to this film and it managed to hit or exceed almost all of them. I simply loved that nothing held to any type of cliche. Nearly every interaction delivered something unexpected and fresh. Stark was shaken to his very core by the events of Avengers and further more by the events early in this film. Make no mistake, this movie is all about Tony Stark’s struggles both external and especially internal. Choosing to focus on Tony out of the armor is a wonderful decision. RDJ is as brilliant as he’s ever been as Stark.

Fans of the books (of which I’m one) may complain about certain character translations but I really have no complaints. Flexibility has always been a Marvel strength over the years and I liked how they flexed and twisted certain ideas here. The thing they get so right from the books is the ingenuity of Tony Stark. He’s so much more than a man in a metal suit. It’s his brain and his wit that are the true weapons. This movie goes out of its way to illustrate that brilliantly.

The armored adventure scenes do thrill but are spaced by gritty old fashion action and a movie filled with a lot of heart and humor. Again, it was well played and I found it to be genuinely refreshing while bold all at the same time. No one can accuse them of playing it safe.

As for the supporting cast, the results were spotty. Pepper is given her due and Killian is an amazing villain. The rest of the supporting cast is barely seen and underutilized. Despite one very cool hero moment, Rhodey isn’t fleshed out at all. I can’t say much about The Mandarin.

Overall, it’s a well crafted, funny and refreshing number three film that wraps up the trilogy beautifully.


Again, so many smart moves and so many get script beats in this film. The perfect way to close the trilogy.


Iron Man 2 was a bit of a prologue to The Avengers and part of why it was good and part of why it rubbed some people the wrong way. Iron Man 3 now takes what worked from those two films and, frankly, does it better. Right now, I’m calling this one the best of the three.


First off, I must say this really is a great number three film. Second, I'm one comic book fan who enjoyed almost every minute of this film. Despite a few whines, IT DOES STICK TO THE BOOKS where it counts.


I had high expectations going in to this film and it managed to hit or exceed almost all of them. I simply loved that nothing held to any type of cliche. Nearly every interaction delivered something unexpected and fresh. Stark was shaken to his very core by the events of Avengers and further more by the events early in this film. Make no mistake, this movie is all about Tony Stark’s struggles both external and especially internal. Choosing to focus on Tony out of the armor is a wonderful decision. RDJ is as brilliant as he’s ever been as Stark.

Fans of the books (of which I’m one) may complain about certain character translations but I really have no complaints. Flexibility has always been a Marvel strength over the years and I liked how they flexed and twisted certain ideas here. The thing they get so right from the books is the ingenuity of Tony Stark. He’s so much more than a man in a metal suit. It’s his brain and his wit that are the true weapons. This movie goes out of its way to illustrate that brilliantly.

The armored adventure scenes do thrill but are spaced by gritty old fashion action and a movie filled with a lot of heart and humor. Again, it was well played and I found it to be genuinely refreshing while bold all at the same time. No one can accuse them of playing it safe.

As for the supporting cast, the results were spotty. Pepper is given her due and Killian is an amazing villain. The rest of the supporting cast is barely seen and underutilized. Despite one very cool hero moment, Rhodey isn’t fleshed out at all. I can’t say much about The Mandarin.

Overall, it’s a well crafted, funny and refreshing number three film that wraps up the trilogy beautifully.

This is exactly why general audiences made this film the top box office winner of the year as well as The People's Choice as best movie. How could it not generate great word of mouth and true passion?


True passion is what makes it worth getting up in the morning.

I accept your surrender.


Event film.

That's the term that Marvel seems to have brought back. All their films seem to be "event films." Iron Man 3 was truly one of the best of the year and I have no doubt Captain America The Winter Soldier will be the event of 2014.


That's what's meant by “Marvelizing” characters by making them more believable and more relatable.


Nothing was smarter all of last year.


why can't more films be smart AND fun like this one?



Great movies like this will continue to confound those among us with limited capabilities but that's the fault of the viewer and certainly not that of the film or makers of the film.


Great movies like this will continue to confound those among us with limited capabilities but that's the fault of the viewer and certainly not that of the film or makers of the film.

I'm so glad they refuse to dumb down anything yet these movies keep making aton of money.


This is exactly why Every Iron Man film trumps any other franchise. It's also why Marvel is so popular. There's something for everyone if you're smart enough to see these films and remember what has gone on before.


Tony Stark would be enough for me in a film with no armor at all. He's that great of a character.


The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS) is one of the largest entertainment and media companies in the world and it has been home to one of the market's best performing stocks in 2014; its stock has risen nearly 17% year-to-date compared to the S&P 500's return of just over 6.5%. Strong earnings have played a pivotal role in Disney's rising stock price in 2014, and with this in mind, fourth quarter results are scheduled to be released after the market closes on November 6. Now THAT is indeed brilliant.


Nothing beats a well written movie like this one.


I'm not trolling here, I know a lot of people like to throw hate at this movie for no reason, but I honestly disagree with the actual results of the film. The armor falling apart just made no sense, and yes I understand it was metaphorical. It was a great idea, taking away the suits and making Tony manage without them, but the execution didn't live up to it.

All they had to do was make the suits malfunction slightly, instead of completely fall to pieces, which makes them completely useless. So they reflected Tony's state of mind, awesome, but they also failed to serve their basic purpose which was to protect the wearer. I recall a scene where Tony gets hit by a truck and the armor scatters. It taps the corner of a building and crumbles. These movies aren't supposed to be realistic but that even defies the movie's own logic. It stops being a deep metaphor and gets turned into a slapstick gag, especially with the amount of times it's used in awkward situations.

If the suits had coding issues or design flaws due to Tony's PTSD, I would have found that a lot more believable than an indestructible suit of armor falling apart at the slightest breeze. Anyways, there were other strange story decisions, but it wasn't a bad movie by any means. RDJ is always great, SFX were top notch, and the writing itself was pretty good. It's just the overall story I have an issue with, which makes everything else fall apart. Pun intended.

On it's own, decent flick. Compared to the other Marvel movies, ehh.


Merry Christmas to all! I hope everyone gets a giant bunny this day.


What did I tell you guys, nothing and I mean nothing beats a well written movie like this one.


100 points as to why this is a truly brilliant film.


Make it Brilliant 101... it should be a college level class.
