As the sailors said,if the mermaid kiss you,then you can breath underwater and she kissed him before dragging him to the water.Syrena and Philip loved each other ,she was not a mean mermaid who killed people.She was different because she even helped Philip dragging him to avoid he was hurt due to the explotion.
None of the mermaids helped anyone.She was a good mermaid and he fell in love with her because he considered her a beauty and different of the rest.
It was like love at first sight.
In a nutshell,Philip did not die,we can assume he went to the mermaid's kingdom altough it sounds weird...That is like the final scene in the movie " 1,2,3 splash" with Daryl Hannah and Tom Hanks.Basically it happens the same thing and the guy doesn¡t die.
If you look closely,when the mermaid and Philip go under the water,you can see Philip hugging Syrena's body.It is not like his arms looked dead or he was fighting to go away from her.