Cruel irony

I've watched this movie last night, the day Robin Williams died, and i find ironic that one of the last things his character says in the movie is: "On my tombstone it 'll say: Henry Altman 1951-2014. I never knew until now: it's not the dates that matters it's the dash." It was William's last film to be released during his lifetime. R.I.P., sir, and thanks for the fun, the joy, but also the humanity you and the characters you played so well left behind.


I agree. Further, his character attempted suicide in the movie. A rather dark place to be when you yourself are suffering from depression.


I saw it a few days ago as well. And when I heard he died in real life, hmmm, it was so unusual... But the end is coming for everyone. So, RIP.



Just watched it.

Goodnight Sir, and thanks for the laughs & tears.


I'm not sure I can bring myself to watch this film. Even the trailer seems too close to reality. The whole thing gives new meaning to the word "morbid".


My god.. I couldn't believe it when he said those words. I have to admit, it brought tears to my eyes.

Long live a hero!



Yes, substitute 'Robin Williams' for 'Henry Altmann' and sadly the same thing could've been said about Robin himself too.

I hope too that just before his death, Robin too wasn't diagnosed with a terminal illness too in real life...because on top of his depression, talk about a recipe for disaster.


It seems he was... in a sense. He had early stages of Parkinson's disease. Today's my late, adoptive granddad's birthday. He had Parkinson's for a long time...


I felt that Robin was NOT acting in this movie, but just being himself and sending us a message of what was to come.

"Hear me now! This place is cursed, damned, and yes your master is the devil!"


There is no "irony" involved here. Williams intentionally took his own life, a conscious act." How is that, by any known definition an "irony." I'm guessing the OP doesn't really understand the meaning of the word.


You don't know that while he was acting that line, he knew he would die in 2014, so there is a possibility that this indicates "as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated". He might have said that line thinking it was just a line, while instead he was saying a truth.



Don't I know you? Anyway, what's the word--pathos? There's something very emotionally powerful seeing this man perform the role, knowing the connections to his own suicide only a few months later.


The irony here is that the movie is trying to send a message about how precious and short our lives are and then its main actor commits suicide after this film.


Life's irony, not Robin William's irony! You're the one who doesn't know the meaning of that word! To be precise: it's ironic that the character he played in his last film talks about the dates (birth and death) on his tombstone wich will be the same as the actor's.


Brilliant observation that I was about to make myself having just watched this film for the first time.

Before his death I didn't watch it, thinking from what I saw on trailers it was not one of his better films. Watching it now, after his death, adds a layer of honest poignancy that chokes me up.

I suspect he knew when he made this he would be leaving us soon (why in the hell do I have tears on my cheeks?).

God bless you Robin, we'll miss you, you were one of the greats.

"I don't reckon I got no reason to kill nobody."


I just watched it. It made me laugh, but I like dark comedies and no one did it like Robin!

Yet I have to say this is the absolutely most ironic and emotional film performance I've ever seen!By ANYONE!!
I've been watching a LOT of movies for a long long time. Been a Robin Williams fan since the beginning, when he did the little known 'Seize The Day'. This reminded me of that performance. I enjoyed the film. I laughed. I think the negativity in it is perhaps to a fault in peoples minds. But its BROOKLYN! People are known for impatience and today's world is impatient. Anyway, Robin slipped out of the Brooklyn accent enough to let me believe he was playing a bitter part of himself. When he's looking out the window of that cab, man that's a dark intense look on his face that only proves as haunting, at least to me. I became very disturbed by that scene and the one where he announces his 1951 dash 2014 death (in character) and his actual birth and death year. Very thought provoking and oddly coincidental.


A rather depressing film


Yes, and it is VERY ODD to watch it now that Williams is gone. It is very hard to believe that making this film, inhabiting this character and his plight did NOT have some influence on his own final decision to end his own life. The film totally opens up all the questions about life and death and everything in between. I actually thought Kunis was spectacular in the film and Williams gave it all he had. The film certainly packs a punch seeing how Williams took his own life, but alas, the movie itself kind of wanders a bit once it sets up the premise. (Plus a vert strange cameo by Louie CK). But yes, out of a curiosity factor, this film will be seen by many.


I agree completely, this movie was both hillarious and sad, something Robin knew a lot about, and I thank him for his talents.


Robin Williams was a gifted comedian.
