Worst Turtles movie ever made.

I grew up with the TMNJ and I just finnished watching this piece of crap.
There is NOTHING in here that is good, makes sense, or anything positive AT ALL.
I didn't expect my 34 year old self enjoying it like I did 25 years ago obviously, but what the hell did I just watch?! oO

I'm so dissapointed I just want to go to sleep and never wake up.

They didn't even try with this movie. I give it 2/10. It would have been 1/10 but the movie was so terrible it actually had me laugh at some points, so for that laughter it gets a higher score.


I'm so dissapointed I just want to go to sleep and never wake up.

That's a bit extreme like lol


Yes. So extreme it should be obvious to anyone it's not seriously meant.


No, it's not that obvious. There are actual idiots on these boards who go to the extremes. They sound ridiculous but they totally believe in it.


Which is maybe the best reason to visit the aforementioned.

In other words: Gief, Moar, pliez!



How did you mess this up? The J key isn't even that close to the T key.

Chili P is my signature.
Official Dude of the BvS Board.


Who the hell knows? Just pretend I was going for the word "Jackass".
Teenage Mutant Ninja Jackasses. Makes perfect sense and makes me look like less of a dimwit.


You grew up with the teenage mutant ninja jackasses? So you never liked them to begin with?


It's possible there was a show with mutant donkeys, I mean TMNT spawned a lot of clones with Black Belt Hamsters, Street Sharks, Moo Mesa, Samurai Slugs, Extreme Dinosaurs, Cheetahmen, Cy-Boars, Biker Mice, Battle toads... I wouldn't be surprised to see jackasses.


i'm offended when people compare michael bay to hitler

thats really f**cking offensive

thats just wrong dude

hitler killed 6 million jews

and millions of homosexuals and disabled people

hitler was evil

but hitler never made the transformers film so he doesnt deserve to be compared to michael bay

thats just wrong

hitler doesnt deserve that


It's not the worst turtles film. Do not forget turtles 3 that is just awful.


Turtles 3 was *beep* but still a million times better than this. Yes this new movies is by far the worst turtles film ever made.


I wouldn't go as far as saying that.. I watched TMNT III the other day and man I was still happy I walked out of in the Theatres back in the day. However I did walk out on this movie the 2nd time around soo... 6 and 1 half dozen of the other.. To each their own.


Who the hell goes to see a movie TWICE and walks out on the second viewing? :D


My kids asked me to take them to see it, so I went to a matinee showing with them and about 35-40 minutes in they asked me if we could leave, my oldest daughter on the way out was all like "I do not like this April Oneil, I do not like these Ninja Turtles" and she loooooves the shows and older movies.

"If at first you don't succeed, troll harder."


Turtles III is one of my favorite childhood movies! Actually, it is the second best after the first one.
Part II is the worst turtles film i've ever seen (cartoon/"real"), but i seem to be the only one, right? Why do people hate 3 but like 2?!?!

doesn't make sense...


Indeed "Wet willy time" was much more entertaining then tween turtles dancing to Holla Back Girl.


It's not the worst turtles film. Do not forget turtles 3 that is just awful.

Lmao, dude I get your point, I know that film was awful lmao, but Idk man, Im gonna rewatch it to compare lmao, and after just finishing this, Idk...

I mean, the footclan soldiers were shooting scoped, automatic rifles!!!! What the *beep*?


People get so furious on these boards over films that did not meet their expectations. So many people on these forums believe themselves to be potentially brilliant directors and writers too, which is often an obnoxious affair. Not that I discourage criticisms, but it gets ridiculous, presumptive and unconstructive too often. I'm afraid people who rate these kinds of films low are expecting a genius work of art, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was always supposed to be silly and fun with a few morals thrown in. Watch the cartoon again and I think you'll have to agree this is better than where it came from. If not, it's at least as good as the cartoon.


No one expected a genius piece of art, this film lacked the basics needed to make a movie in general, not to mention that its a reboot, not a continuation of another story. It shouldn't have relied on nostalgia/or the knowledge of previous interpretations for someone to fully enjoy it. It's below average, people aren't disliking it for no reason.


People get so furious on these boards over films that did not meet their expectations. So many people on these forums believe themselves to be potentially brilliant directors and writers too, which is often an obnoxious affair. Not that I discourage criticisms, but it gets ridiculous, presumptive and unconstructive too often. I'm afraid people who rate these kinds of films low are expecting a genius work of art, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was always supposed to be silly and fun with a few morals thrown in. Watch the cartoon again and I think you'll have to agree this is better than where it came from. If not, it's at least as good as the cartoon.

Best post I have seen in a while and I totally agree.

The fact of the matter is that this has made money and people enjoyed it?

Some people on here are expecting this film to be up there with the Godfather, The Shawshank Redemption, The Dark Knight etc these "Trolls" on here are becoming repetitive and boring I saw one of them complain about the fact that the elevator would not hold the weight of the four Turtles? Then he went on to show his disgust at how unreal the film was?

I enjoyed it and loved taking my kids to see it, TMNT will always be popular and It's great when people like me who went to see the first film in the 90's get to take my kids to see the new one in 2014.

Oh and this film is the 2nd best TMNT film ever made behind the 1990 one, People who rated it on here back me up it certainly is not the
Worst Turtles movie ever made.


NO ONE WAS EXPECTING GODFATHER. Just a TMNT film with a great script. But Apparently, nowadays TMNT fans love crap thrown in their face. If we could get a Spider-man 2 we should expect that out of the turtles. TDK is The Godfather for Batman, this IS what we want for the *beep* turtles. We shoudlnt SINK so low to cast the *beep* from Jackass and the bitch from Transformers for a Turtles film.

Showing off is the fools idea of glory


NO ONE WAS EXPECTING GODFATHER. Just a TMNT film with a great script. But Apparently, nowadays TMNT fans love crap thrown in their face. If we could get a Spider-man 2 we should expect that out of the turtles. TDK is The Godfather for Batman, this IS what we want for the *beep* turtles. We shoudlnt SINK so low to cast the *beep* from Jackass and the bitch from Transformers for a Turtles film.

Hate to break it to you but TMNT was always *beep* From the cartoon to the live action movies to the live action tv show, to the crappy CGI movie from 2007. But for some reason fanboys like you have the balls to demand "The Dark Knight" treatment for a *beep* movie about Ninja Turtles. This type of pompous entitlement is the reason you morons are putting this movie down. What exactly is missing from the TMNT equation in this movie? All the characters are there, all of their personalities are intact, they love pizza, make corny puns and pop culture references, there's a message about brotherhood and family but I guess none of that matters because The turtles will never be taken "as seriously as they could have been." No one is ever going to take this *beep* seriously you idiot, and if you honestly think that's a possibility with the 30 years of softcore family friendly entertainment with the TMNT name on it then you're just setting yourself up for disappointment.


You expected a great script from a movie about teenaged mutant ninja turtles?


Expect a good story? No. Hope for one? Of course.
it's a really pathetic and tired line of reasoning that I should be satisfied by mediocre crap just because the source material is zany, unrealistic or cartoonish.
I don't care if you're telling me a story about a sentient spaghetti noodle battling giant meatball demons; if you tell a story that invokes genuine human emotions and relatable real-life parallels people will respond to it, and they do already.
If you want a genuinely decent product, you have to invest in it a little more than expensive cgi and ass shots from the female lead.
It is not unreasonable to want better things, and to protest or ignore the projects that fall short.
Hollywood is a business. Give your money to those who do a good job and you will get better products.
why is this so hard to deal with?

Platonic love exists: scientists stumped.


He said "great" not good. Expecting a "great" storyline about talking turtles who know material art is a silly expectation. TMNT has always been action/comedy-driven rather than story-driven.


i'm offended when people compare michael bay to hitler 

thats really f**cking offensive 

thats just wrong dude 

hitler killed 6 million jews 

and millions of homosexuals and disabled people 

hitler was evil 

but hitler never made the transformers film so he doesnt deserve to be compared to michael bay 

thats just wrong 

hitler doesnt deserve that

Haha that is perhaps the best post I ever read on imdb lol


I like all the Turtle movies,the first one was my favorite,I liked this one too

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING chioah boi compahed tu me ah chioah boi



I completely agree, this movie was terrible. I hated it. I couldn't even finish it. Sorry young kids, the original was sooooooooo much better. I really don't understand why people feel compelled to defend this movie. But to each their own. Johnny Knoxvile as Leo, shut the f$%# up.

The movie was terrible, for sure.. But i enjoyed the scene's where my childhood hero's where in it tough, and i didn't dislike Johny Knoxvile at all ( didnt even knew he was Leo )

But come on, it felt really as if i went back to my childhood for some time


The worst Turtles movie ever made is everything that came before this one.


this is easily the best turtles movie..great movie


It is, people just want to refuse that because they want to continue with their delusional belief the 1990 film is some sort of masterpiece when none of them are.


I don't think that's the case at all. While I feel it's silly to give people crap for enjoying the movie, I honestly felt this movie was terrible. The 1990 movie on the other hand is still very fun to watch for me, and many other TMNT fans I know in person, though I also know one or two that really liked the new movie but not many.

I honestly think that the 1990's movie is a masterpiece considering the subject. If you read and enjoyed the very first issue (which was intended to be a one shot) you can see that the filmmakers did their best to stick to that feel (the crime filled streets of 80's/early 90's New York) but also incorporate the younger (and bigger) fanbase of the cartoon (different coloured masks and light hearted).

Being a fan of the first issue and growing up with (though not a major but casual fan) of the cartoon, I can't see how you could even make a better adaptation of TMNT than the 1990 original.

I'd take underworld criminal ninja Shredder and his band of ninja thieves battling ninja turtle vigilantes with an emotional tie to Shredder's past over Ironman Shredder and his gun toting mercs battling bullet proof super strong teenage hulk vigilantes who hold the key to Shredder's plan to poison and cure the city for profit any day.


I rewatched the 1990 film recently and its aged terribly with the dated humor and its unsophisticated animatronics. People can only still like that if you look at it through rose tinted glasses. The Turtles do not even have a proper fight scene with Shredder and they all act like Michelangelo, April O'Neil doesn't really do anything, and I dislike this Casey Jones because he takes up too much screen time from the Turtles. The only character who goes through any sort of arc is Danny and he's not even one of the film's central characters. But hey, if you want to be biased over this film that's fine as we all have our own personal biases. To me, the new film is immensely more entertaining and it completely erases the others. And from the looks of things its going to branch off into a better series than the old one.


I respect your opinion but I strongly disagree. I don't find the animatronics unsophisticated. Sure they're old and you can tell just like the Yoda puppet in the original Star Wars trilogy. I still think they look brilliant for the time and even good by today's standards IF things like this were still used. Of course with CGI there's not much use for animatronics anymore, though many would argue that they would prefer they did in more movies.

I think you're way off when you say that all the Turtles act like Mikey and can only assume you mean because they joke around, which teenage boys do. They still have their distinct personalities: Leo is the leader, Raphael is the rebel, Donnie is the smart one and Mikey is the most immature. But they are still teenage boys and that's what many interpretations of TMNT are missing because they go overboard on the personalities:

Oh, Donnie's the smartest teenage ninja? Right, well lets kit him out with military grade and beyond equipment, scanning vision equipment similar to what Ironman's capable of producing, rocket booster skateboards etc. Because obviously if you're the smartest of four teenage guys, it means you're one of the most scientifically gifted people on earth... even though you spent most of your 15 year life studying Ninjutsu.

And it's unfair to say I only prefer the old movie due to bias. As I said before, I like the criminal underworld Shredder. I like a foot clan that are Ninjas. I like Turtles that aren't hulking bullet proof monsters but instead rely solely on their Ninja skills and shells. I like Splinter and Shredder to have a history with Japan and each other, regardless of how silly it is (as it was originally). These are things that made me a fan of TMNT in the first place and it's pretty much how it all started.

I don't like Ironman themed Shredder, who upgraded his armour for what again? I don't like that April was tied to the Turtle's origin, especially how badly it was done... what Dad takes his Daughter to a building he plans on setting on fire? I don't like a foot clan who's only offensive weapons are guns... and I particularly don't like that when the Turtles are bullet proof. What's the point in them even fighting? Why were the foot even hired for that matter?
None of these things were anything like the TMNT I remember, and while that's not a problem, movies don't have to stick to the source to be good, none of it appeals to me.

As for April, she's a reporter, what is she meant to do? She did a pretty good job of reporting the foot's activities and the crime wave sweeping the city. She took the guys in when they couldn't stay in the sewer and she also led them to the old farm where they could lick their wounds before returning. What else is a reporter meant to do against a threat like Ninjas? The movie is called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, not April and The Turtles.

I didn't think there was anybody out there who didn't like Casey Jones but fair enough.
It's not bias. None of this stuff was any good imo. If it is to you, then that's great.

With regards to the fight scenes, I'm a martial artist myself and can appreciate the actual fighting those guys do in those big suits. I love it and think it's done very well. I honestly can't remember any of the action from the new movie except that double kick that Shredder does after the Cowabunger cry, which I'm pretty sure takes out all the guys except Leo somehow without really connecting, but I could be wrong.


You are being a bit emo about it but I came to make a similar post. This movie was terrible.

I quit after 35 minutes. After 35 minutes with no excitement, no humor and a lot of eye-rolling at the stupidity of the movie I decided that life is too short.

The only time I almost laughed was when Sacks was giving his speech. Fichtner delivering how he wanted to improve the lives of the people in NY with "Sacks-Biomed and Sacks-Robotics"...well, you can't argue with that...I guess sex makes my live better, too...I just never thought of including biomed or robots. But then again, if your female lead looks like the cross between a sexdoll, a biomedical experiment and a wax figure it all starts to blend.

But, yes, it was without a doubt the worst movie of the year.


I quit after 35 minutes. After 35 minutes with no excitement, no humor and a lot of eye-rolling at the stupidity of the movie I decided that life is too short.

But, yes, it was without a doubt the worst movie of the year.

What an absolute load of garbage, How on earth do you know it's the worst movie of the year after only watching 35 minutes of it?


What an absolute load of garbage, How on earth do you know it's the worst movie of the year after only watching 35 minutes of it?
If you want to vomit on the first bite, do you have to eat the whole meal to know it is bad?


Does your example include the vomit into the "whole meal" entity?

[edit] if yes then yes is also the answer to your first question.


So you're 34 years old and with a behaviour like this? This is rather embarrassing.

I'm 24 years old and while I didn't grew up with the 80's TMNT it was due to the crappy animation as in the 90's I got used to watch Japanese animation which was (and is) far better than western (the designers really put a lot of effort into their work) such as Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Evangelion, Gatchaman, Dogtanian, D'Artagnan, Willy Fog and etc (DB for example came out in the 80's but it grew popularity in the 90's).


So you're 34 years old and with a behaviour like this? This is rather embarrassing.

What's so embarrassing about a 34-year-old not liking something?

Logan, buddy. It's me, Deadpool! I shot youuuuuu....


Its not the worst TMNT of the lot. That title belongs to TMNT 3. I watched it relatively recently, so it’s still fresh in my mind. An awful film.

My list of best to worst:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
Secret of the Ooze

I have a very long ignore list


list of best
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)

list of best
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987–1996)


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1993)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2007)

Hero Turtles: The Next Mutation (1997–1998)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003–??)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012–??)


You are entitled to your opinion but dang... you put the 1991 Movie and 2007 movie and 2003 Turtles Series in Worst? Turtles 2014 in best? and I question your taste


What's so embarrassing about a 34-year-old not liking something?

You missed the point. I was referring to this specifically:

I'm so dissapointed I just want to go to sleep and never wake up.

I think what people call these people are "manchilds" and it's certainly his case of not liking something and overreacting.

It's perfectly fine he disliked but that he said is rather inappropriate he'd put his life at risk because of a film.


i always intend to put my life in danger when i sink into my pillow.

it's a part of the experience. think: dreams.


I came here only to commend you on your sig :) Love that movie.....lol. Oh, and I thought TMNT was absolutely terrible. But just my opinion.
