That "1 million dislikes before the release" thread back then, it really got on their nerves.
There was about 1 million 200 000 dislikes, some Sony employee said that they got emails giving them the order to like the trailer .
It was a good place, but if the imdb boards had stayed open then they badly needed a big revamp.
For example, when someone replied to you, you didn't even get a notification. The blocking system was poor ie you could still get private messages from some scumbag you blocked, and could still see that they were replying to you.
On moviechat, you can make a reply to an old film and it goes to the top of the page for everyone to see. They didn't have that on imdb, which meant when you posted on old films, you were basically talking to yourself most of the time.
It was badly run and moderated. A lot of trolls. The Film General board was cliquey and full of boring weirdos who all migrated to the imdbV2 boards where they're still boring weirdos.
The Expendables and Terminator Salvation boards were good fun, though.
Good points, indeed. A positive to this place being relatively slow is that you can catch up on a day's worth of "Latest Posts" in a few pages, and catch threads about favorite films.
Still miss the IMDb horror board, though. Very high wheat/chaff ratio there. The general and whatever "next big movie" boards, i.e. The Dark Knight, were a mess.
Yes, this site is basically what imdb should've became, it's just a shame it doesn't have the same number of users.
There was a cool page on imdb where you could ask other users about films you'd seen but didn't know the title ie you'd describe some scenes and the era it came out in and other posters would try and help (one guy knew the film I was talking about but couldn't remember the title either haha). I think it was called 'I Need to Know' but I can't remember 100%.
That forum was my secret weapon when a director would ask me to "get me a copy of that film with the horse in the red room" that they saw in film school, but couldn't be arsed to research the title themselves. Made me look like a hero more than once. Funny thing is whenever I'd browse that forum to try and find any unsolved requests to return the favor(s), I don't think I ever got the chance. Bigger film nerds than myself must have been prowling there like sharks in freshly chummed ocean.
Hahah yes there was some real sleuths in there. I was impressed. It's a shame they couldn't solve the mystery film I was after, but they helped out pretty much everybody else. Cool place.
On moviechat, you can make a reply to an old film and it goes to the top of the page for everyone to see. They didn't have that on imdb, which meant when you posted on old films, you were basically talking to yourself most of the time.
Part of that is that MC has relatively few users. IMDB wouldn't have been able to keep up with it even if they tried.
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That's true. I do think there's a decent number of people on here, but most would rather have flame wars with each other over politics than talk about film. You definitely get more traffic if you bring up random shit as opposed to talking about older films.
I can instantly spot someone who comes on here just to get into arguments.