HONEST opinion....?

I know there are people on here that are hellbent on destroying this movie, but I would like an honest opinion. Is this movie as bad as the IMDb ratings suggest or it at least halfway as decent as the RTs reviews suggest? I would like to know if it is theater quality or if I should just wait to rent.


It's worth your theater time. The people on here bashing it haven't even seen the blasted thing. It's smart, funny and has great characters. It's not as epic as the original, but it is a LOT of fun and a nice high five to the Ghostbusters fan base. Well worth your time.

Killing must feel good to God too, he does it all the time, and are we not created in his image?


Trying to avoid the controversy from both sides of the fence and looking up the more objective reviews, I think the general view is that it's your typical 6/7 out of 10 popcorn summer movie. Haven't seen it myself and can't say I have any intention of going to the cinema for it but from the non biased views I've read at least, it isn't a bad movie but likewise, it isn't as great as some people are claiming either.


I've heard that this is the same as the first movie... but that didn't stop me enjoying 'The Force Awakens'. Also I just watched the trailer, and laughed three times... which is more than some entire movies. So I'm going to go and see it. What the hell...


With the exception of Holtzmann I found it hard to connect to the characters being a guy.

The CGI is pretty bad and a lot of the movie is cliche' but it's entertaining enough but it's hard to get past how much they're leaning on the franchise to prop up this movie.


It's a good movie. Occasionally it's a great one, but in the end it's a good comedy, particularly if you like Feig's recent films. If you disliked Bridesmaids, Spy and The Heat, fair chance this won't do much of you too.



Just came back from watching it in the cinema. It's better than I expected. The trailer made it look a bad film, but, I find the actual movie hilarious and a fun ride. All the 'funny' scenes that look like cheap gags in the trailer actually made sense in the movie.

I went in solely for Chris Hemsworth and ended up liking the 4 main actresses as well (all 4 for I saw for the first time), especially Kristen Wiig and Leslie Jones. These actresses really can do comedy and they are not afraid to make themselves look bad or silly.
Chris Hemsworth also acted well as the dumb but adorable Kevin. He just think so differently from normal people. Kevin reminds me a little of My Melody (cartoon bunny with the red hood) who is also stupid but endearing.

I have the benefit of not remembering the original movie much because I watch it when I was very little. So, the plot remains fresh to me.

Reading all the rants here about the movie being sexist and misandrist, I expected the movie to have quite a lot of instances of male bashing or putting down men, but, it did not. Other than the one line that Kate McKinnon's character said near the end and the controversial 'shooting the ghost in the crotch' scene, the other scenes are neutral. The claim that all men in the movie are either stupid or evil is untrue. The mayor is not evil. He did what most people in his position will do to prevent mass hysteria and panic. The skeptic acts like how most skeptic in the real world act.

And I like the CGI at the end. It's not 'Life of Pi' high quality, but, it serves its purpose. The ghosts were well done.

I would give this movie a 7 as a comedy.


It's the average comedy of 21st century. Sometimes funny, sometimes not, acting is pretty good. I would give it... maybe a 6/10?


Really didn't enjoy it it's only 90 min long and I was bored after less than an hour in the shame of it is it wouldn't have taken much to satisfy me, a few good laughs, a few good jump scares and a couple of characters/relationships that I'd like to see expanded upon in any sequelsbut by the hour mark I just didn't care anymore and wanted to leave it's such a goddamned shame.
