MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters (2016) Discussion > McKinnon was the only good thing about t...

McKinnon was the only good thing about this movie

I appreciated her delivery.

Macarthy can be funny but she sure as *beep* was not in this..

Feig should not be allowed to touch another intellectual property again.

He made jones into a racist stereo type.

The first minute sets the pace of this movie.. Immediately how men are evil, from Aldrich throwing the women and children off the life boat to "save a clock" to Barnum first having his idea to enslave elephants in the mansion..

This continues through out the film and I'm sure I've missed quite a few. Another one being the weirdos speech about how the souls seeking revenge are "mostly dudes".

Maybe I'm over analyzing it.


I actually felt Jones' character was the closest to being relatable. Maccarthy wasn't as annoying as usual but still fairly eh at best. But McKinon was terrible. Most of that comes from the script, for example her awkward speech should have been at the start and feels so out of character its ridiculous. She is one second flirty, confident, can do anything "character" the next she is having issues talking to people.

It oddly represents nearly all men as pathetic, stupid, or evil. But that doesn't mean anything. They don't try and say, therefore all men are, and the most rational and relatable character was the male at the uni that fires the ghostbuster for screaming she believe in ghosts.


Hay seems to be the consensus.. Everyone seems to hate Kate, but I loved her weirdness lol.



Also.. No edit button?


Relatable if you are a giant cliché stereotype maybe.


Key word was closest. She had some minor moments of humanity unlike the other characters.


Even though Leslie Jones isn't really a good comedian or actress for that matter, she did a better job in this "film" than the other actresses did. At least she didn't act over the top and cringeworthy all the time which McKinnon did.

Leslie Jones' character is not as annoying as the trailers portray.


She kind of is.


Be careful Phil, the counter braindead medication is on the kitchen worktop.


Her entire character was awkward to the point of uncomfortable. So bizarrely unfunny...


That bloody scene where she's prancing about and The Bland One is reacting to her hijinks honestly felt like it would never end. I kept trying to shrink backward my chair. Ugh. I've never checked my watch during a sixty second scene before.


The only time McKinnon acted like a normal human being, in the movie, is when the possessed McCarthy was destroying the proton packs and McKinnon was getting all pissed off and the "not weird" attitude was completely gone.

"dat s thwhat mie here afor" - Margaret_Sanger


Not really I agree with everything but Holtzmann was just a joke, nothing that proves she is a real human being, everything she does was just to illicit a joke. Every time she is on screen it is either saying something funny or doing something funny or referencing something funny she did. They never let the character be real because they had to have a joke character.

There was nothing human about her, nothing real, just trained monkey to say or do something funny


And whenever she wasn't saying anything she was licking the equipment...not weird at all.


She probably was pretending the equipment was a lady's box, when she was licking it.

"dat s thwhat mie here afor" - Margaret_Sanger


He made jones into a racist stereo type.

Who was she racist towards? I don't recall any racist remarks.


I thought McKinnon played the worst role ... Holtzmann wasn't even an actual character, just a collection of ticks and quirks and funny faces.

I think people are projecting a lot of love for McKinnon as a good-looking lesbian actress with comedic chops on Saturday Night Live onto an extremely ordinary role in a misfire of a film.

Due to the lack of moderators, trolls can ruin the IMDB message boards. Don't feed them.


He made jones into a racist stereo type.

She has always been a racial stereotype. 
