MovieChat Forums > Stargate Universe (2009) Discussion > Does this series have a satisfying concl...

Does this series have a satisfying conclusion?

I'm a huge BSG fan and although I've never watched SG-1, the premise for SG-Universe intrigues me! Was the show cancelled? If so did they have the opportunity to tie up loose ends beforehand, ala Dollhouse, or was it axed suddenly? Also is it worth watching in general?


It's an ending, and better than if it had ended on something like the cliffhanger from season one. I think it could have served as a much better "ending" overall if the show had gone longer and resolved a few more of its dangling plot points.

That said, if you like BSG and can appreciate a bit of a slow burn (especially early on in the series), SGU is a pretty solid watch. I'd say that it's probably worth the journey, even if the conclusion is less than satisfying.


The mission wasn't completed and absolutely nothing got resolved. The writers took a very lazy way and just said "What the hell we'll just put them all to sleep." So, satisfying. Absolutely, emphatically, 100%. No.


The show got canceled. The final season was already completed when the show got canceled. So they can't do anything about it.


Really, nothing? Firefly did a movie, as did SG1, but yeah guess it's more 'meaningful' to let us think up our conclusions. Pfft, nothing they can do.


And the writers wanted to put out a movie involving the SGU cast, but the studio wouldn't green light it. So, yes, there is nothing the writers could do about it.


I wasn't satisfied with the ending.
However there are much worse final episodes that either don't even seem like a season ender (last episode of Firefly?) or in the case of ST Voyager are so far fetched and over wrought they are utterly awful.
SGU Seemed to just be getting it's legs under it when they yanked the plug.
Beyond the particular story arc that it would have been nice to see play out. I really would have wanted them to encounter more challenges. Discover more parts of the ship. Meet new aliens etc.
SG1 didnt really get good until it's 3rd and 4th seasons!
