MovieChat Forums > Stargate Universe (2009) Discussion > How would you handle Rush?

How would you handle Rush?

I have not finished the show yet, on 2.7 at the moment.

If you were Colonel, how would you have handled Rush from the beginning, and as problems arose?

First off, I think it was a mistake to have Rush in control of the ship's control panel, or whatever it is called. I think the Colonel should have used him as an employee, and called him in when he had a question that needed his expertise for answering.

I think it is outrageous that Rush tells the Colonel that there is something going on in another part of the phantom ship in epi 2.7 and the Colonel actually goes and checks it out, like he was Rush's errand boy.


I would have gotten rid of Chloey and changed nothing else... I may have cast a more well know actor in her place or possibly a theater style performer.

the show was so great my heart is ripped out at how short it was cut, everything else was perfect! pure science fiction sans all the liberal BS supposedly hidden moral messages and social engineering. The show was so good and believe me I pay attention being a Star Trek fan, all except Chloe, she did not fit in and her part/role was the (only) thing that did not work in the show.

Star Trek Next Generation got rid of Denise Crosby and Star Trek Voyager got rid of Jennifer Lien for a very good reasons. (they didn't fit!)

Chloe character was a bad move for this series, producers really need to start listening to the fans.

the media sells it, and you live the role -Ozzy Osbourne



Young should have just pulled the stones when he went to work for the alliance but as the following two episodes showed Young was a coward and a poor leader. I mean he had numerous opportunities to stop the attack and failed each and every-time that's when the show went down the pan.... It never recovered from that blunder which was a shame. I really like the whole idea just couldn't get over a useless leader in charge....


I think that one of the main issues in the conflict between Young and Rush is the fact that Young is a military man and first and foremost concerned with getting people back to Earth. Rush, on the other hand, is a scientist. He has no ties on Earth and is first and foremost a man of the mission. He doesn't care about whether or not the people on Destiny are right or wrong - he cares about making it work for the benefit of the mission.

The way I see it a lot could've been accomplished if Young and Rush had actually TALKED from the beginning when the people arrived on Destiny. If they had been honest with each other and agreed upon working together on some sort of compromise that would serve both their interests.


I would develop a rapport with Rush so there would be a working relationship based on mutual trust. As it is, Young and Rush butted heads over too many things which ultimately interfered with the smooth operations of the ship. I would make sure Rush understands the chain of command. As O'Neill said, it's not a democracy. But I would also let Rush know I would be relying heavily on his expertise.



It's not a military mission; it's a scientific one. One does not put the security guards in charge of scientific exploration and investigation. Rush should've been in charge, with his military muscle, Young, as counsel. Young knows f7#k-all about the ship or the Ancients. He's a delegator and a warrior, nothing more.

SGU was not SG1, Expanded Version. With SG1, there was clearly a hierarchy, with O'Neill in charge, but listening to Daniel or Carter when it was absolutely necessary. They eventually had an easy working relationship and a friendship.

The military expeditions conducted by the SGC were a whole different ballgame from living on Destiny, yet someone was still convinced the military should be in charge?! Good luck surviving without the scientists. Good luck figuring out how anything works. Good luck finding out the vast mysteries contained within (and without) Desiny. Good luck navigating the stars or, possibly, getting back home. The military were like ham-handed, angry toddlers running around breaking stuff. No wonder there was chaos on the ship. The hierarchy was as topsy-turvy as this OP.


I agree with you.

Another solution could've been leaving Young and the military in charge of security issues i.e. when exploring planets and dealing with threats like the aliens who kidnapped Chloe after capturing Rush on the planet where Young had left him to die, The Lucian Alliance etc.

Rush and his scientists should have been left in charge of everything else, being those able to figure out what Destiny was all about and how to survive being trapped on an alien space ship.

But I still think a lot of the conflicts between Rush and Young could've been solved far easier or even avoided if the two of them had tried to talk to each other and understand each other's point of view from the very beginning so compromises could've been made.
