MovieChat Forums > Stargate Universe (2009) Discussion > Why did sgu fail? my thoughts

Why did sgu fail? my thoughts

original Stargate sg-1 managed 10 seasons and a couple of movies. Stargate Atlantis managed five full seasons. In those 15 years of watching I do not recall more than perhaps one episode where you had a sexual encounter. And to my knowledge there were no episodes that included a gay or lesbian character. In the brief 2 seasons of SGU we have seen multiple sexual encounters, and the lesbian character seems to be the one who gets the most screen time off ship. Could it be that scifi fans in particular Stargate fans come to this series to avoid having these things constantly in their face?


It failed because it strayed from the formula that made the prior series successful, likeable characters. They tried to do Stargate: nuBSG and guess what, that series was wretched too.


I totally agree, zoom in zoom out shake camera side to side, just like Battle Star Galactica, it made me feel sick to my stomach and nauseous, it's pointless and made me turn the TV channel everytime both of those shows were on.


It failed because it strayed from the formula that made the prior series successful, likeable characters. They tried to do Stargate: nuBSG and guess what, that series was wretched too.

Yup, that was the biggest flaw of SGU - there wasn't a single likeable, relatable character, and watching these unpleasant people snap and snarl at each other was dull.

The dark sets and annoying camera angles didn't help either, nor did the endless reliance on the stones.


personally i despised the sex and romance, it was just boring "drama" should have spent that time more on the science and nerd *beep*


also the vlogging was a bit of an annoyance!


lol OP is trying to turn it into a "people are bigots" thing.


It took itself too seriously, without the chops to back it up. It felt more like a Battlestar Galactica ripoff than a Stargate series.


Remember stargate episode 200, in which Martin Lloyd said a young executive wanted a "young" and "edgier" version? That's sadly how we got Stargate Universe.


SGU is a good show. The producers made some bad decisions but, overall, it's still good.

The method of seeking solutions to serious problems or complex issues in SG1 and SGA were, more often than not, met with extremely simplistic efforts. A scientist would pull a last-minute move that would save the world (or galaxy or universe), the main characters would fight their way out of an impossible situation and make it home safe at the last minute, etc.

None of that happened in SGU, and that is actually one of the greatest qualities of that series.

Just like SG1 & SGA, SGU is a fun show. Once a viewer gets into the right frame of mind for the style and fully accepts that it is a very different style than the previous productions, it's easy to enjoy it.


That's exactly what I thought when I first saw SGU.


All I know is that I tried several times to give it a chance. I couldn't get past the first few episodes because it became tiresome and gave me headaches. All the yelling, arguing, fighting... it's not entertaining. It's boring as hell to watch Robert Carlyle screeching each and every episode. And I happen to like the guy a lot. It's just all he did was constant screaming.

Any series that features a ton of airtime with actors arguing tends to put me right off. It's no wonder to me that they only managed to do two seasons. It's a miracle it survived its first year.


The other stargates were campy, like Xena..
SGU was aimed for another type of audience, and it didn't want to be family-friendly.
It's my #1 TV show of all time (followed by L&O:CI and Lost)

