MovieChat Forums > Easy A (2010) Discussion > Who talks like this in high school?

Who talks like this in high school?

Most kids I know who are in High School spend there time quoting movie lines and using the words "Like" and "Really" every sentence. Yet Olive has the vocabulary of a Harvard Professor. If someone had that strong of a vocabulary in my High School they would have received a swift punch in the throat.


I knew a lot of people who talked like that in High School. Not every teenager speaks with the linguistic capability of a (stereotypical) Football frat-boy or dithering cheerleader.

If You Slept With Jesus Christ& are 100%Proud of it Copy This & Make it Your Sign.


If you listen to Olive's parents, you will see where she gets her extensive vocabulary from. They obviously used their own vocabulary when speaking with her and she learned. When you speak to a child as an adult they will gain the vocabulary of an adult. Trust me on this...I have one of the few 6 year old who say, "Mom, I don't think you made the appropriate choice," after getting a speeding ticket.

I voted for Frenchie and Dia like a sex donkey on Xanax.


Just caught it on TV again last night, cracked me up. I refuse to watch any American TV series revolving around American teens, winds me up actually.

Seriously, my school life was basically just taking the piss out your mates every day and messing about in class, bit like The Inbetweeners (but FAR LESS cringe worthy).

The way these American high school movies portray sex, alchohol and 'cliques' rubs me up the wrong way, shows them up to be incredibly superficial.


Not sure what HS you know, but that is really sad. The HS I know, talked more like ES did.


by ash24m (Mon Aug 22 2011 04:50:32)

Yet Olive has the vocabulary of a Harvard Professor.
That's hyperbole.

If someone had that strong of a vocabulary in my High School they would have received a swift punch in the throat.
No, they would likely go to a good college.

Although, aside from having a decent vocabulary, Olive didn't seem smart. Wait, probably "incorrigible" was the 'biggest' word she used and she may have learned that recently as a 'Vocab word'. Is there really a problem with her telling the fat guy to say that her breasts are "glorious" instead of telling him to say her breasts are "great"?

The latent causes of faction are thus sown in the nature of man [...] views


Your life makes me sad... so does your high school. I'm sure giving an intelligent person a "swift punch in the throat" will make you feel better about your stupidity now, but when you are in your 40s and operating the fry-inator at the local Burger King, I'm sure you'll wish you had the vocabulary Olive did.


I did, people like Olive exist which is why I think I cling to this movie so well I understand where she's coming from and I went through the same things she did. I was a loner just like her, had very few friends and knew many would see me differently, teachers sent home notes to my parents saying they were astonished with my behavior because they were used to treating high school students like children and I didn't need to be babied, I treated my teacher's like friends like Olive did with her favorite teacher and I conversated with them, at my job in high school when all the boys were hanging out I was connecting with the adults and conversating with them, when all the boys would get yelled at for not doing their job I was never included. Is there a problem with having an above average vocabulary? no, it just means they're paying attention in class :)

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I spoke like that. My friends spoke like that.

I've never met one person who thought Olive's vocabulary was unrealistic. I can't think of one scene in which she used words that any well-read, decently educated teenager wouldn't know, let alone a Harvard professor, as you say. She was clearly a bright girl raised by bright people.

And it's downright pathetic that any of your classmates "would have received a swift punch in the throat" for having a mature vocabulary. Even more so that you seem to consider that sort of thing justifiable.

Peace out.

"Now, bring me that horizon."


I remember saying to another guy in school once "I'm giving you an ultimatum". He looked at me with a blank stare and queried "An old tomato?"

**these go to eleven **


Millenials aren't as ashamed of being smart as some of the previous generations. Look at 21 Jump Street as an example.

Olive's parents were a major influence on her vocabulary, but it looked like the school was pretty accepting of kids who had brains. Even the Christian group seemed to be fairly popular, when, in other movies, you might expect the preachy church girl to be the biggest bullying target.

Though the school did seem to have an upper class demographic, so that probably played a part in it. These were basically students who had the certain opportunity of getting into college and were encouraged by their parents to plan for their futures.
