MovieChat Forums > Luca (2021) Discussion > The Gays want to make this a gay story

The Gays want to make this a gay story

Apparently two guys hanging out as besties is just homosexuality.

Then having a "secret" ( being fish monsters) is code for being closet gays.


Here we have projection so gigantic it makes IMAX look like an iPhone.


Me or the gays?



You know lots of gay men? Wouldn’t that make you gay?


Knowing gay men makes you gay?! What an idiot lol 😂



I’m picking up some gay vibes from you, whoa!!!





All caps? Someone is repressed and looking to come out of the closet I see.




Haha, you are new around here, aren't you?


Normal people might be able to tell that Twitter isn't trustworthy, but for some reason movie and game companies take those tweets as gospel.

Disney might be holding their ground for now when they said the boys aren't gay or that the movie doesn't have gay themes - which is rather ballsy of them to do especially during Pride Month - but don't be surprised if they take it back, apologize, and say that not only are the two boys super gay, but that the sea-monsters were in fact allegories for gay people all along.


They're def gonna pull a Wachowski.


"The Gays" lol like they are club or something.


lol I know right?

Or a band! Jerry Glitter and The Gays

🌈🕺 🕺🏿🕺🏿🕺🏿🌈


I kinda felt like it was a bit of a love story there. You just know in today's climate they're always trying to do something like that. It's probably meant to be open to interpretation.


It's actually natural for boys to form close male friendships before they start dating girls. Nothing necessarily homosexual about it.


Idk if a summer would be enough to have you heartbroken that you lose that friend. It seems like a "first love" "summer of love" Of course it was like a first and only friend.. but most kids would get over that pretty quickly not cry when their friend had to go away that they didn't even know for that long.


Children form strong emotional bonds.


Yea and they can also be homosexual. There was more to the story then just 2 bros forming a bond. You can think whatever you want but its open to interpretation.


its open to interpretation

No it isn't. The director literally said they are just friends.

You are doing exactly what the Twitter shippers are doing.


So people obviously see it in a similar way. I don't care that you see it different, move on. I had that thought immediately after seeing the movie. I don't even go on twitter.


I had that thought immediately after seeing the movie

That is called shipping. You are putting a sexuality onto someone when it doesn't exist. For whatever reason you want to see it, you want them to be gay.

I'll just keep repeating this same sentence.
The director literally said they are just friends


That's not what shipping means. Also, I don't care if they're gay or not. You do. It's just the way I saw it. I can probably see things that you can't because you're more closed-minded. Lastly, I thought the movie was awful so yea I don't care that much about it.


Also, I don't care if they're gay or not. You do

Quote me where i said i care if they are gay or not?

I said it is not open to interpretation as the director has said they are just friends. You personally are interpreting something that isn't there for whatever reason.

because you're more closed-minded

Assumption based on nothing due to me disagreeing with you. Pretty nasty way of thinking.

I have never said anything about people being gay or if I agree or not. I have solely argued your point that your interpretation and assertion of the two boys being gay is wrong based on the fact and it is a fact that the Director has categorically said they are not gay and are infact just friends. Your interpretation means nothing against that single fact from the movies creator.

Shipping (derived from the word relationship) is the desire by fans for two or more people, either real-life people or fictional characters (in film, literature, television, etc.) to be in a romantic or sexual relationship

Exactly what you are doing


You said shipping was putting a sexuality onto someone that doesn't exist. You don't know what you're talking about and you're just babbling at this point.


It's called allegory, friend. Also, the guys at the creative team probably want as few labels as possible for thetir work of art. Some artists love how people interpret their work in different ways.


No. People need to stop reading romances of any stripe into stories about little kids.


Exactly. They aren't gay, they're Italian.


It's normal for little kids to have intense friendships, and normal for pre-pubescent kids to have intense friendships with children of the same sex.

If anyone wants LGBT/Queer verification in Disney films, go watch Steve and Bucky in the Marvel saga!


They did hold hands very often, which is a bit weird for boys, even if they are good friends.


I will admit I have absolutely no idea whether than was normal for Italian children, in the middle of the 20th century.


No, it was definitely not.


It’s not that weird, I’ve lived all over the world and I’ve seen children, boys and girls, act all affectionate with their friends. Not all kids act like that, but plenty of them do.


So you're gay, is that what you're saying?


When did I say that?


Sorry not meaning to offend.


All I’m saying is that the two boys aren’t gay. Just because they held hands (which I don’t remember them doing all that much), that doesn’t make them attracted to each other. It’s just that kids are like that, especially in cartoons when the writers are going for “cute” and “innocent” vibes.


Steve and Bucky are straight. They’ve clearly shown attraction to women while they’ve never shown attraction to each other, let alone other men.

I agree that it’s normal for kids to form strong attachments, especially with other kids, but it’s also normal for adults to have strong friendships too. Whether the two adults knew each other their whole lives, or they got along well through a common occupation, adults can form what is called a “platonic” relationship, that’s why we have that word.


Exactly. And it's sad when girlfriends/wives plant seeds of doubt about unmarried male friends. "Maybe they're gay for you."


The fact that there are lots of people who assign sexualities to children and want to see them kissing and stuff is kinda creepy, isn't it?


I think so too.



Google it, I don't have to link to stuff that a simple search will uncover.





Imagine being so obsessed with sex. That first thing that comes to mind when you see movie about two boys having a close relationship. Is them sucking each other off.


It is an interesting point though, if Alberto was Alberta then there would be plenty of heterosexual speculation going on even though there clearly isn't any of the sort. I imagine there are plenty of people rooting for Luca and Giulia or Alberto and Giulia.

People just enjoy shipping and in many cases will go overboard with their fanfics.
