Who was the old guy?

Okay, I understand he served a 'plot purpose' i.e. to inform us, the viewers and the cabin full of victims, about the past and Nazis etc.

(minor spoilers...)

I just wondered who he was and what he was doing camping out there if he knew it was so dangerous?

He was armed, so he must have expected something, yet he died seemingly so easily, it made him seem like an ordinary passer by?



Haven't you ever seen "Garfield's Halloween Adventure?" He was the Nazi's cabin boy and witnessed them burying the treasure all those years ago!


This movie was named "Red Snow" while under production. Due to copyright issues they changed it to "Dead Snow" before the movie got released. The original "Red Snow" was a mini-series that ran on Norwegian and Swedish television during the mid-80's, with the plot set to events during world war 2.
More info about the TV mini-series here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088597/

The old guy is an homage to that mini-series. They even had a sweater made that was an exact replica of the sweater one of the characters (Hans Solberg) wore in the mini-series. One could make the link that the old guy and the character in the mini-series were the same.

Source (Norwegian newspaper):


He was the Norwegian JACK NICHLSN.
Even a similar setting to The Shining. Did Jack wear that jumper too?

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Sundquist needs NO reason to appear in any role. He just does - and there is much rejoicing.


by kaihh » Mon Jul 11 2011 10:13:54 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since May 2008
Sundquist needs NO reason to appear in any role. He just does - and there is much rejoicing.



Due to copyright issues they changed it to "Dead Snow" before the movie got released.

That's odd because I didn't think titles could be copyrighted, which is why, you sometimes see the same exact movie titles being used over and over again, but that are entirely different.


Like Roberts Blossom's character in JC's Christine, he's there to be mysterious, scary and a bit expositive at the same time. BTW I thought he was Alan Sugar for a moment. For those who don't know, Sir Sugar is an entrepreneur and the star of the UK version of The Apprentice series... and very scary too.



...and what he was doing camping out there if he knew it was so dangerous?
That's what I thought. He didn't take his own unsolicited advice he doled out to the students. Served his purpose backgrounding the main story and was then summarily dispatched.
