MovieChat Forums > Paris 2024: XXXIII Olympic Summer Games (2024) Discussion > why is China and America not banned from...

why is China and America not banned from the Olympics?

the last time I checked, China was responsible for a worldwide pandemic and killed 79 million people.

Joe Biden is supporting the slaughter of over 1 million innocent civilians in Gaza.

this is reprehensible and Joe should be put in jail. why do dems support genocide?


Amerikkka has committed racist crimes galore, but ....$$$$$$

China... doesn't give a fuck about anything.


its ironic that dems proclaim to be the party of peace and prosperity but have no problems funding 2 wars in Ukraine and Israel.


Joe Biden doesn't like blacks too, he called them roaches.


Joe Biden is supporting the slaughter of over 1 million innocent civilians in Gaza.

The Jews left Gaza in 2005...


actually, the Jews were forced out in 70.


No, they didn't. Gaza is their open-air prison. Israel still controlled all borders, not allowed fishing which was a main business for Gazans, controlled all utilities including water, electricity and gas, controlled all communications, denied peaceful protests by shooting and killing protestors, controlled all access to food, consumer goods and medication.


LOL, wow.

How does Israel prevent fishing on the Gazan coast? Israel has no troops station in Gaza and does not patrol the borders.

The Israelis kill no "protesters", unless your idea of protester is killing and raping women and children and taking hostages - then yes, Israelis kill those types of "protesters".

And how to you imagine that the Israelis guard the border to Egypt? The reason the Egyptians guard the border between Gaza and Egypt is because like every other Arab state, Egypt can't stand the Palestinians. Everywhere they go they try to overthrow the existing government.

Gaza is a prison because it's self imposed - the Palestinians elected Hamas. Hamas is the one that shoots protesters (the few there are), destroyed the infrastructure the Israelis left behind when they pulled out in 2005, and started a war they can't win using their own people as human shields. They stole all the international "good will" money to make more tools of terrorism.


"Over 200 Palestinians were killed and nearly 8,000 were injured during almost two years of weekly protests at the Israel-Gaza border. Israeli army snipers tell their stories"

“The Commission has reasonable grounds to believe that during the Great March of Return, Israeli soldiers committed violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. Some of those violations may constitute war crimes or crimes against humanity..."

"Israel deploys 100 sharpshooters on Gaza border for Palestinian protest"

Israel bought-off the Egyptian government with military weapons and surveillance so they can oppress their own people. Notice how Israel recently killed Egyptian soldiers at the border and Egypt never complained.

Hamas and PA are glorified prison guards in Israeli-controlled open-air prisons who are given (bribed) money to keep the prisoners docile.

You need to stop repeating Israeli propaganda which is used to justify ethnic-cleansing, genocide, warcrimes and human rights violations.

Palestinians are living under complete Israeli military rule for generations which means they literally have no basic civil rights. Anyone can be arrested and sent indefinitely to prison without any charges or trial including children at the whim of an IDF soldier. Torture is routine and encouraged. Illegal settlers can kill Palestinians without repercussions. Palestinians routinely lose homes, businesses and farms based solely on religion which are given to Jews. You're on the wrong side of history.


Exactly 100% of your information and links are garbage. You think those "protests" were nothing but signs and songs? Violence begets violence.

The Palestinians have turned down every offer of an independent state. They don't want peace, they pissed away the pre-made country the Israelis handed them. They want to kill every Jew and eliminate the state of Israel


"The Israelis kill no "protesters""
I proved you wrong.

"every offer of an independent state."

Clearly not independent when Israel's "offer" insists on controlling all borders, commerce, defense and denying Palestinians the right to return.

"They don't want peace"

Palestinians were in their land minding their own business when Europeans en masse traveled thousands of miles to invade their homeland and steal their land. Major projection on your part.

Furthermore, former President Jimmy Carter along with several other presidents acknowledged that Israel was pretending to want peace in order to buy for time in order to ethnic-cleanse like they're doing now.

"Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" book by Carter

"pre-made country the Israelis"

LOL! Palestinians have lived there for thousands of years and even the Ancient Egyptians mention them. European Israeli settler-colonizers need to return to Poland, Germany, Ukraine and Russia where they belong instead of stealing land. That includes Polish Ben Mileikowsky whose fake name is Netanyahu.

"They want to kill every Jew"

Jews and Christians have peacefully lived in Palestine when Muslims ruled for centuries.

The only ones committing genocide and ethnic-cleansing are Europeans who forced out 50% of the Palestinians from their homeland in 1948. That's 750,000 Palestinians!!!

All of your arguments have failed.

Eastern Europeans who genetically test as 100% European have zero rights to the land, but the Palestinians gracefully said in 1947 that they would allow newly arrived European Jews to remain in Palestine. It was the European Jews who turned down their generous offer because they wanted ALL the land. Palestinians believe in diversity. European colonizers believe in white supremacy and genocide.

You're still on the wrong side of history.


Wow. LOL


The vast majority of Israelis aren't of European origin. They come from Northern Africa and other parts of the Middle East. There are also Ethiopian Jews in Israel.


40-45% Mizrahi/Sephardic; Ethiopian 1-2.5%
Neither are most of them entitled to the land.

But, there are Jews who have lived peacefully in Palestine/Israel for centuries or millennia who are native to Palestine. Most of them were against establishing the state of Israel.

I'll add that most Jews in Palestine converted to Christianity millennia ago, then to Islam. Today's Palestinians aren't only Arab since they're mixed with many different ethnic groups.


2.8 million Ashkenazi in Israel, not the majority in the slightest. Most Israelis aren't from Europe, don't have anything to do with Europe.





LOL! Links with actual information?


Ashkenazi aren't the majority in Israel. Israelis of MENA origin are the majority.




What link? 9.6 million live in Israel according to 2022 census. 2.8 million Ashkenazi can't be the majority.


9.6 includes Arabs.

Zionism = settler colonialism project (genocide/ethnic cleansing & land theft)


I'll add that if you read the speeches and letters of the early Zionists like Herztl, he stated that they (European Jews) “would form a new outpost against Asiatic barbarians and a guard of honor to hold intact the sacred shrines of the Christians.” That's a typical racist European colonialist attitude against the indigenous population whether in North America, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, India or Palestine. Civilized Europeans vs savage/barbarian natives.

ALL Palestinians were to eventually be expelled. Mizrahi Jews were needed for hard and unskilled labor. In other words, the jobs that European Jews didn't want. European Jews looked down upon Mizrahi Jews which explains why their children were kidnapped and raised by European Jews. It's a similar behavior in North America when Indigenous children were removed from their families and adopted by whites or forced to attend white-run boarding schools to "civilize" them.

The Zionist Project was begun by Europeans and is maintained by European superpowers (British and Anglo-American superpowers; Ashkenazi Jews mainly from Eastern Europe and Germany).


Ashkenazi and Israelis in general aren't Europeans and as I said before they aren't a majority. Therefore, this can no longer be a "European" colonialist attitude or a "European" colonialist project.

"That's a typical racist European colonialist attitude"
Don’t worry. Many Asiatic people (Mongols, Huns, Persians) have attacked Europe many times to demonstrate their racist Asiatic colonialist attitude and expansionism and Europe has suffered from them a lot.

"Civilized Europeans vs savage/barbarian natives."
Events of civilized Asians /Africans vs savage/barbarian European natives are very common in history. Don’t worry. They get less attention because brown /black lives matter more today. Blacks in particular are the modern Holy Cows.

"The Zionist Project was begun by Europeans"
Many Europeans didn’t want Jews in Europe, and would have been glad to see Jews returning to Israel. There's nothing with the idea of settling in Israel. Sadly, the plan wasn’t executed well and Palestinians were treated unfairly. Germany's Madagascar project should have been the solution: Jews settling in a part of the big Madagascar, far from Islamist and European countries. The Zionist Project is nowadays mostly supported by Asians (Semites) and the Jewish lobbies in the West and may be maintained by some Western and Middle Eastern leaders, whose views don’t express me. As a European, I don't feel any guilt about the Zionist Project, which isn't European, it is Zionist, named after the Hill in Jerusalem.


Israel Ashkenazi leaders all have Polish, Russian and Ukrainian last names. They're Europeans.

"There's nothing with the idea of settling in Israel."

Stealing land, ethnic cleansing over 50% of the population, denying basic human rights and genocide are wrong. You're immoral since you don't know that.

Historically, Jews fleeing EUROPEAN persecution didn't go to Palestine. They went to numerous Middle Eastern countries, but rarely Palestine. Settling there was mainly a British idea based on Christian prophesy.


No, they're not Europeans. Their ancestors may have been Europeans, but Israel Ashkenazi are Israelis.

"You're immoral since you don't know that."
Israeli army is committing war crimes. Don’t think that I support Israel. However, the settlement of Jews in Palestine should have been made in a way that does not cause dissension between the two sides.

Historically, Jews fleeing EUROPEAN persecution didn't go to Palestine.

They started going to Palestine decades before 1947, as early as the 19th century. Even then, Palestine was home to Jewish populations.




Lmao okay, your source here backs up absolutely nothing.

It's from a chinese internet forum

"Just trust me bro"


bullshit........ the chinese eat bats, snakes, dogs. of course shit will happen.
SARS and COVID came from china.

fuck china, and fuck you for spreading misinformation.


agree, I want my reparations from China.


true...... all the millions of people that had relatives, old and young, die from covid-19 should in fact get a huge amount of money from the Chinese.
it's not like they can't afford it!

the fuckers basically makes everything we own and use!

and that is exactly why no government or any politician are afraid to hold them accontable!


Even the Iraq War didn't make the Olympics ban America, and The Iraq War is worse than the Ukraine War because Ukraine has nuclear power plants, which can easily turn into WMD: nuclear bombs.


The powerful nations set the rules and determine who should follow them.

Israel is an international war criminal, but is allowed to compete.

It's illegal for the U.S. to give military aide to any country committing war crimes, but notice how the U.S. ignores its own laws when convenient.

Trump allowed covid to become a pandemic when he removed our American doctors bravely stationed in China to early-warn us about any potential threat of a pandemic. Then, Trump refused to follow the Pandemic Guidebook created by two presidents to protect Americans from pandemics. Trump killed 79 million people including 1 million plus Americans. Lock Trump up!



But are 1 million dead in Gaza? ..... please don't spread misinformation.
And it's Israel, not the US who are at war........ after they were attacked first btw.


its prob not a million, but some people will believe whatever Hamas says.

oh I know. sometimes my sarcasm doesnt translate well on the internet.


The Olympics are boring enough without Russia. They might as well be canceled without the US and China.


Good question.
