"8MM" meets "Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom" meets "Irreversible" meets "Cannibal Holocaust"...
… with a little bit of the "torture porn horror" movie variety of the "Saw" and "Hostel" movies around it. Do we all agree that this is what roughly describes "A Serbian Film" on the whole, particularly the first two examples where literally a snuff movie horror meets a controversial allegorical horror theme wise?
I read one reviewer on IMDb say "8MM2" but I think only seeing it as a distant sequel to that Nicolas Cage flick alone is a little simple and misleading, and given some of the massive shock content featured in this one, and how it does seem to almost run for the "Most shocking film ever" award with what it shows etc - not to mention, there has ALREADY been a sequel to "8MM" called "8MM2", released in 2005 or so I believe, but of course I don't want to impose on the user or his review or title etc.
But description wise, do we agree with the opening title, thanks.