MovieChat Forums > Srpski film (2010) Discussion > The filmmakers should be arrested

The filmmakers should be arrested

This is not art at all. This is the sick fantasy of a group of deranged people, the same ones who made this film. I understood going into this that there was going to be some twisted stuff in here, but I didn't think it would be as bad as it was.

I cannot un-see what I've seen. A newborn baby getting raped as it screams in pain, the pressure to have sex with an underage girl, the main character raping his own son... Oh my god, why was this movie made?

I wish I could sue for the awful images put into my brain. The ending scenes especially had me horrified to the point that I had to turn it off. I feel as if I've been assaulted by the makers of this film. The people behind this should be locked up for this disgusting abomination against art, against sex, and against humanity.


Every movie created is art by definition. Sick fantasy of group of deranged people is art by definition as well.

Its very good that you cannot un-see this. maybe it will teach you something and make you rethink your philosophy. While this is obviuosly not happened yet, sometimes it takes new ideas to sink in. And if you are not open to new ideas then you are simply choosing to be ignorant.

Who should be locked up though is people that want to limit other peoples freedom of expression, because that is, you know, actual crime.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Not only there has been movies that showed actual maiming and animal and human torture, and there's that video that millions watched on YouTube that shows a Jordanian pilot being burnt alive, as this is not even close to the most shocking movie ever.
Besides, what makes me angry is the fact that during its 104 minutes run thousands of women, men and children have been raped, molested, had their limbs cut off, eyes gouged, have been decapitated, shot, blown up by ISIS's machine guns, blown to pieces by American drones, bombs and heroic U.S. soldiers, most of them ordinary citizens, but people spend their time commenting on the 'obscenity' of the scene where a 'baby' [actually, a doll, of course. The shooting of an innocent civilian by a U.S. soldier in Iraq is ten thousands more OBSCENE than a fake rape scene on any movie, including this one. Obscenity is not a concept restricted to sex, you conservative christian hypocrites] is raped. They're deeply disturbed by depiction of violence on a fictional medium but don'n show such sensitiveness about their surroundings, their neighborhood, what their government is doing with its own citizens, what their country is doing with innocent civilians from other countries in the name of Democracy, Allah, Islam, Zionism, Palestine, Socialism, 'a Christian society and a god-fearing nation', police brutality, blacks raping white women and children and looting stores in response to the legitimate shooting of a black guy who robbed a store and assaulted its owner, homophobia being preached on live tv by politicians and religious leaders, mysoginy being taught in rap and hip-hop 'songs', traffic violence, the destruction of Earth's natural resources and the extinction of species on a daily basis, 7 billion people going on 8, 9 10, 15, 20 billion...should I go on?
If you're really alarmed with violence and child abuse, don't look for them in films. But it takes a lot more guts to fight the Real violence around us than it takes to type a angry rant against a fictional play where actors pretended to be doing things that happen around us every thousandth of a second at an astronomical rate.
Good luck with you 'nice, good and concerned' people.
Now STFU and go p.huk your self-righteous selves.

'What goes around comes around. Just like a kangaroo.'


i agree with you 1000 percent. i dont understand how they were allowed to publish child porn



this movie was down right wonderful an funny as heck i watch it all the time


No one forced you to go and watch this film, it was you by your own and for fuc.ks sake is a damn movie with lots of make up stuff .. Even the new born rape wasnt that horrible as everyone was saying I hardy saw anything just a cheap doll and some man's ass cheek that was all!
Why everyone crazy about this?
More disturbing is the forced bj on that woman with teeth just removed also milos raping his son without knowing it was him


i masturbated to this film


