MovieChat Forums > Srpski film (2010) Discussion > Is this movie really as sick as everybod...

Is this movie really as sick as everybody says it is?

Just curious


Top tier sickness.


do you think it's as disturbing as the last house on dead end street or house at the edge of the park?


its similar, but yes, still next level, id say.
disturbing sexual/rape scenes are worse than just gore imo and they are throughout this movie. yea its pretty sick. i wasnt prepared when i saw it. thought it was just a gore flick. boy i was wrong.

btw, its not a bad movie, its certainly watchable for the most part.
but dude. multiple times i put my hand to my head say "jesus fn christ" in this movie.


what movie is similar to what movie?


the violence in a serbian film is similar to the long disturbing rape scenes in movies (that you named) like House at the Edge of the Park except "serbian film" takes it to another level.


ok, this is really hard to believe as everything i've read about house at the edge of the park has said it's extremely graphic and violent and nihilistic to the point where its' hard to watch this film. also i read the rape scene and something with a knife is really disturbing. i find it hard to believe that a serbian film takes it to another level than hateofp? how could it? also how could it take violence further than the last house on dead end street and how could it take a rape scene further than the rape scenes in i spit on your grave(1978)?


i danced around not to give spoilers.. but youre not going to watch it.

(((spoilers below for ASF, House at the edge of the park, i spit on your grave)))

the lead character an ex-porn star has a loving wife and son (about 8 yo?) and a brother who is jealous that lusts for his wife. hes hired by an artist director and film crew that want to "push the limits" i guess. (its been awhile since ive seen it)

1 scene is infant rape. they watch a video of a woman giving birth. slap the baby's ass then rapes it. "newborn porn... a new genre" the director exclaims.

the lead character is physically forced by the film crew to have sex throughout the movie (first time in front of a child sitting there watching them and get worse from there) he also sees himself on video getting raped while he was passed out.

getting to a point where he just does what hes told (and hes also drugged). 2 covered bodies are laying down unconscious. he starts having sex with the one on the left. a masked man comes in and has sex with the other body. the mans mask comes off and its his brother and the body unmasked is his wife as she awakens. the body he is having sex with is his son. JFC
"a happy serbian family" the director exclaims. "LIFE. FAMILY. ART."

the lead character, wife and child are home in bed. broken people. he takes out a gun kills themselves.

the film crew comes in, see the the dead bodies. a man takes off his pants. "start with the little one" the director says. the end.

house at the edge and i spit on your grave are gruesome rapes. that why i say the violence is similar. but child rape and contextually a serbian film is next level as the victims are family members not random strangers as with Edge/spit. also Edge/spit comes with the revenge on the rapists. so there is at least a little justice in those films.


so they broke all the taboos. it's like they intentionally set out to make the most twisted and immoral and unethical movie ever made.


Wow. Hard pass for me. Christ.


If you are really THAT curious and simply can't believe it... just watch it... it'll answer all your questions.


I think it's worse. Not because of the gore, or even what you see. I think it's because it doesn't stop and there is no redemption.


it's worse than what movie?


Than both last house on dead end street and house at the edge of the park.


oh so in a serbian film there is no redemption and in last house on dead end street and house at the edge of the park there is redemption?


I'm not sure redemption was the word I meant. I'm still trying to find the word I mean. In LHoDES ( I think this is the same as Fun House?) there is some comeuppance at the end. Even in edge of the park there is a bit of a happier ending, if you can call it that, where the bad guys are dealt with it. I mean David Hess is shot in the groin.


ooh, don't give it away i've never watched house at the edge of the park or the last house on dead end street. i've always been extremely nervous and scared about watching these films because everything i've read about them online has said they are extremely disturbing and nihilistic and depraved and really hard to watch.


Sorry, I thought that since the movies are over 40 years old and you brought them up to compare that you'd seen them.


that's ok. you know i didn't know they existed before about 15 years ago. they seem like some distant, obscure, cult, strange, eerie, uncompromising, unflinching horror film. are they as hard to watch as their legends?


For the most part I don't find these movies difficult to watch so I can't really comment on that. A Serbian Film and American History X are the only two films that I can recall having an issue watching.


I know I'm a few years late to this party, but "American History X"? I assume just the curb-stomp scene, right? Everything else is pretty tame, violence-wise.


The same people who say it's sick happily cheer people getting cut open in movies like SAW and Hostel.

So make up your own mind. I thought this was more entertaining than sitting through SAW/Hostel crap.

Oh and all these movies are sick or disturbing. We still watch them.


With the difference that we don't see a guy rape his son, cut the head of a woman while having sec with or a newborN being raped in Hostel nor Saw.

I hate Saw (except the first one) and love Hostel 1 and 2.


actually it's quite beautiful. it's a beautiful piece of art, which most people reduce to "a gory horror film", but they completely miss the point.


"a beautiful piece of art" ...Lemme guess...You were born AFTER 1985 right? (And YES that does matter).look I can admire the lighting, music, acting, art design...Of ANY horror/shock film along with the moral undertone it mm at send via the character's journey's or images be they symbolic of National Politics, commercialization, or the desensitization of society as a whole..So with all that said ...I say "No". A Serbian Film is NOT a "Beautiful Piece of Art". Necrophilia upon your own child is in no way Beautiful or Art...Nor Newborn Porn. I suppose it's safe to make your comments on these web posts and not at your job lunchroom at best buy or Arby's. Safer. People will just reply to you with long winded reasons why your wrong instead of not speaking to you any longer when breaktimes over. OK. I'm finished.


To me personally, it's not as sick as everyone says. Yeah there's a lot of screwed up themes, but it didn't have that revolting effect on me as it did others. But then again, I was exposed to the more disturbing or extreme side of cinema for at least ten years now.

Our songs will all be silenced, but what of it? Go on singing. -- Orson Welles


Not so much sick as it is disturbing. Sick would be more along the lines of Human Centipede and Saw and Tusk. This didn't make me want to gag, I just felt like some of the themes violated my soul.


Tusk was just absolutely stupid.

Haven't seen Human Centipede yet...Kind surprised at myself...


Ha! Made ya look! :D


Yeah, Tusk really was stupid. I just didn't like the idea of getting all sewed up like that. The thing I found sick was how they just left him alive and put him in a zoo at the end.

Hehe. Human Centipede is fun to watch, now. It was only sick at the time I watched it because my mom had taken me to eat at a buffet to celebrate graduating college and then was like "I rented Human Centipede. You should come watch it." And, seeing people eat poop kind makes you feel sick when you have a stomach full of food.


A new born baby is raped as soon as it's delivered from the mother.
What do you think? If that's sick to you, which it should be, then there you go.


Yeah pretty much lol. If you take the children out of this movie, it's a lot less sick/disturbing.


Honestly, I find a movie like The Mist more disturbing. A Serbian Film spent its entire time dehumanizing its characters. However, The Mist spent its time humanizing its characters. The people's fate at the end of Serbian Film left me cold; whereas the fates at the end of The Mist left me heartbroken. On a similar note, that's why I appreciate directors like Lars Von Trier and Michael Haneke. They seem to understand that character development and effective shock go together.


The main character does what he does because he is drugged.I dont see how that is dehumanizing the character.


it's meh


it's weak




