All Lives Matter

There that sounds better and more inclusive.

I’m sure the snowflake libtard response will be that I am ignoring the fake injustices that black people automatically experience just because they are black and my response is black lives are literally included in ALL lives.


no shit sherlock


Glad you agree with me and MLK


No, what you're ignoring is the implied "also" in the slogan which should be obvious to anyone with half a brain...


Please tell me what I’m implying? I am literally saying All Lives Matter. There isn’t anything to imply.

However when you say “Black Lives Matter” not only are you condoning a radical terror movement but you are implying that I don’t think Black Lives Matter which is an insult, not to mention it’s a very pathetic attempt at virtue signaling by yourself.


Wow, you're dumber than I thought!


Apparently you are too retarded to understand what All Lives Matter means, even Dr. MLK Jr. said it.

So who’s life doesn’t matter to you? Should I be killed because I’m white?


Racists and perhaps some well meaning people have been proclaiming on television and the Internet that "Black Lives Matter" is racist, because it excludes the lives of other ethnic groups as mattering. As an example of a racist, former NYC Rudy Giuliani, whose record on police brutality directed against African-Americans was deplorable, point blank said on CBS's Face the Nation yesterday that "Black Lives Matter is inherently racist" and "anti-American".

At very best, such a claim misses the crucial context of Black Lives Matter, which is not that ONLY Black Lives Matter, but quite the opposite: Black Lives Matter ALSO. In fact, though this argument has been become searingly heated with the awful murders of African-Americans in Louisiana and Minnesota and murder of police officers in Dallas last week, I've been seeing people point out this all-important "also" subtext on the Web and TV ever since the Black Lives Matter movement began in 2013, to finally address a problem that has been going on for centuries.

Why have so many people missed this obviously implied "also"? A better question would be why has anyone?


And did I say it was racist? No I didn’t and even if racist people said it that doesn’t make the phrase racist. Something a racist says isn’t racist by default numb nuts. Also there is barely anyone who doesn’t thing Black Lives Matter, by saying it you are making ignorant assumptions about society and it’s all so you can feel virtuous, it’s quite narcissistic not to mention sick.

And your claim misses a crucial context of All Lives Matter, it doesn’t mean All Lives Matter except Black Lives, it means All Lives Matter which by definition includes black lives.

And if you want to talk about police killings I’m happy to because if anyone is disproportionately victimized by the police it is white people, but facts aren’t really your thing is it?

BLM says they are for racial justice or whatever but they are really for quite the opposite, they are just looking for an excuse to burn the country down and kill cops. They are a radical terror movement and it’s rather disturbing that you would align yourself with them, you’d might as well allign yourself with the Nazis.


You must be trolling, you cannot possibly be this dense...


You must be trolling, you cannot possibly be this dense…

BLM is not a civil rights movement, they are a far left terror movement not to mention racist. They were caught shouting “shoot the white folk”, they murdered a St. Louis Police Captain and their spokesman called for a boycott of “white owned businesses”


I really hate to get involved in this persuasion-free debate but I have to address your attack on Rudy Giuliani. NYC was a crime-ridden cess pool. He cracked down on the crime and made a huge difference. When the crackdown on crime came, it affected criminals. You point to the ones that were black and call it "police brutality directed against African-Americans." His comments about BLM were based on the BLM's very public anti-white and anti-American signs and statements. You could go to their website and read a ton of hate speech, racism, and marxism with ease. They only edited their true feelings out of the page after years of it being available and long after the attacks on private businesses.

Twisting words to fit divisive political agendas is despicable.


He's trying to insult you by posting a gif of his favorite cartoon character. You might be wasting your time.


I’m sure I am but putting this dipshit in his place is a hobby of mine along with all virtue signaling libtard snowflakes who chant “Black lives matter” so they can tell the world they are not racist and so they can feel good about themselves without ever actually having to help anyone.


"All Lives Matter" implies "also" too.



If there is an implied "also" in "Black Lives Matter", then there is also one in "All Lives Matter".


Yep, when it comes to Black Lives Matter we are supposed to ignore all of the burning, looting and murdering and just focus on the slogan. With All Lives Matter we are supposed to ignore the slogan and just focus on how much it hurts the left’s feelings.


There are plenty of videos of people being harrased because they had "all lives matter" signs. "Also" is definitely
not implied nor considered acceptable by BLM.


Yep BLMs position is basically we can assume whether someone is a victim or an oppressor based solely on skin color and if you don’t accept that then we have a right to kill you and everyone else has to put up with their businesses being looted and their cities being burned to the ground


nobody matters , the money matters more than your prosperity bitches


If you were to say "All Lives Matter Except White", BLM supporters would find that less offensive than "All Lives Matter".


They absolutely would, the proof is they were caught chanting “shoot the white folk”

What’s ironic is “All Lives Matter” is literally something Dr. King said. It’s pretty disturbing that the modern day left now rejects the words of MLK, I thought he was one of the greatest civil rights leaders ever?


Both sides of the political spectrum are all over the place. The thing about conservatives, they're not claiming to be the party of openness and inclusion.


No lives matter. We shall all be dead one day.


it had to be said


Lol, yeah right, like this assertion has never been made before.

It’s been said countless times since the BLM movement started.

What I think you mean is that you had to hear it again.


Fortunately the Black Lives Matter movement is just about dead because society sees them as the radical Marxist terror movement that they are


What about your own terrorist movement you conduct here every day? Will that die out soon enough as we are all sick to death of seeing your garbage bs here all the time?


What terrorist activities have I committed? Because I can point to lots of terroristic activities/threats from BLM


he said it and it goes without saying that it will have to be said again


Nah, we got it the first few thousand times.

Look. Of course all lives matter, but to repeat it in opposition to a movement supporting historically disenfranchised people who through social inequalities have been made to feel their lives don’t matter isn’t being original or clever, it’s just kind of a dick move.


"Nah, we got it the first few thousand times."

same could be said about black lives matter


Congrats on your steadfast deliberate refusal to accept the meaning of the phrase.

"All Lives Matter" basically translates to
"Fuck black people they can stay where they are in society so there is no problem and nothing needs to change"


I don't see how it translates to that. All lives matter seems pretty all inclusive to me. Please explain?


well theres already the countless explanations about how there is an implied "too" on the end of it ,
but I'll give it a go .....

Black people are under the impression that their lives dont matter , what with all the police brutality and racism in general etc,
so what they are saying when they say "Black Lives matter" is
"Our lives matter as much as yours do, but we are not getting treated that way"

What you are saying with "All lives matter" is that the black people dont have a problem and that they are as well treated as white people . Either that or the sub standard treatment they are getting is not a problem.

did that help ya?
is it any clearer why "all lives matter" is not an "even better" phrase?


These idiots have to be trolling, they can't possibly be this dense, can they?


no they arnt that dumb, its a willful and deliberate refusal to acknowledge racism still exists.


They are under that impression because the far left media is lying to them. The truth is people have to be accountable for their own actions and if anyone is disproportionately victimized by the cops it’s white people according to the data

No one in your cult has yet to demonstrate that black people are automatically victims just because they are black. In fact according to the data you are more likely to be shot by police if you are white, but your cult doesn’t care about that, they only care about black lives if they can use them to further their lies and radical agenda.

There is little to no evidence of “systemic racism”, the left wants to push the lie that there is so they can pit people against each other and portray themselves as the saviors so they get votes and you are only going along with it so you can feel good about yourself without ever actually having to help anyone.


Black people dont need media to tell them about racism, they experince it.

your refusal to accept racism exists is so batshit crazy I cant even begin to refute it , but google "does racism still exist in usa" and just look at the results and the institutions those results are coming from


So every blacks person has experienced racism? What are you basing this on? What about white people who have experienced blm shouting “shoot the white folk”?

Sounds like you seem to think you can know someone’s life story by looking at their skin color, sounds racist

I never said racism didn’t exist I said our country doesn’t condone it, two separate things you liar

The media has lied that our country systemically discriminates against black people if anyone is discriminated against it’s clearly white people but I don’t think anyone is being discriminated



First, I don't deal in presumptions, so I'm not commenting on a implied "too", (implied by who, I wonder?) People of all colors get killed by police. And really, what you're
saying doesn't make sense. If black people are feeling excluded from the same treatment as white people, then ALL lives matter seems particularly inclusive, implying it isn't currently that way, while black lives matter is segregation driven.


I don't deal in presumptions, so I'm not commenting on a implied "too"

Its not a presumption . The implied 'too' is a basic part of using the english language.
If cant read the phrase in context then you dont speak english fully.

"while black lives matter is segregation driven."
yes thats the fucking point - they are complaining that they are still segregated.

side note:
It pains to me use "they" so much to refer to them as if they are the only ones who see this or should be bothered about this , but i dont want o muddy the water on an explanation that im already trying to put in the plainest terms possible because lots of people , white people im guessing, seem unable to grasp the concept.
I'm sure there are also plenty of white people who are behind the idea of equality for black people too , just not too many round here it seems .


Yeahhhhhhh, you're completely full of shit and filling in blanks that don't exist. Nice job with your white knight bullshit.


All moviechatterer cares about is feeling good about himself. He doesn’t give a good fuck about anyone who may have been discriminated against

He is the classic example of a narcissistic libtard snowflake. “Look at me , I’m so caring and not racist, I’m a good person”


yeah , well sorry i couldnt get on board with your "fuck all dem n1ggas" ideology


First of all I don’t use the n word like you apparently do, secondly All Lives Matter doesn’t mean fuck anyone you retarded virtue signaling snowflake


No it doesn’t it means all lives matter. I’m sorry you missed the meaning if it. Black Lives Matter however translates to burn cities down and kill cops


Not true.

Yours doesn't.


Why do I deserve to die?
