MovieChat Forums > X: First Class (2011) Discussion > X-Men Could Have Rivaled The MCU (If It ...

X-Men Could Have Rivaled The MCU (If It Followed The First Class Plan)

The X-Men franchise could potentially have rivaled the MCU if 20th Century Fox had followed Matthew Vaughn's X-Men: First Class plans. There's a strong sense in which the Marvel Cinematic Universe wouldn't exist without the X-Men films. Marvel Comics only survived near-bankruptcy in the '90s by selling off the film rights to some of its most notable characters, including Spider-Man and, of course, the X-Men. What's more, many key figures in Marvel Studios cut their teeth on the X-Men films, including even Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige.

And yet, since 2008's Iron Man, the MCU has outclassed Fox's X-Men franchise. The key difference has essentially been that Marvel Studios played the long game, building a shared cinematic universe where each film leads on to the next, culminating in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. In contrast, Fox has largely seemed to be reactive, tossing countless ideas up into the air to see how they fall, rarely showing any sense of overarching narrative direction. The X-Men films' famous continuity problems are really a manifestation of this core issue.


I disagree. IMHO the biggest problem with the X-Men franchise isnt the continuity issues, it's the fact that most of the post-X2 movies arent very good.

"First Class" isnt very good.



The x-films tend to have the same general plot (bad guys use a mutant MacGuffin to do bad things). They also tend to only care about Wolverine, Xavier, and Magneto. Sometimes they'll care about either Jean Grey or Mystique. They had a massive sandbox to play with but oddly limited themselves.


Yeah. The reason the Marvel films are successful, is that they consistently deliver $12 worth of fun.

That's the secret of their success, nothing else makes that much difference.


X-Men First Class was better than most of the MCU. One of the best superhero movies overall, actually.

The X-Men franchise did okay, just too much focus on Wolverine and Raven. So many other characters they could have gotten into.
