Not being able to adequately pull off a Southern accent does not automatically make them terrible at accents. They'd have to be consistently terrible in a variety of accents to qualify. And the Southern drawl, I've heard, is especially tricky, even for American actors, if they aren't originally from those parts, or heard enough of it in real life to draw from. As far as recent efforts go, I thought Olyphant sounded great in Justified.
As for Brits, I guess it takes the really method sort of actors to pull it off, if Day-Lewis and Bale are any indication, if we're talking about a more period kind of drawl. Not sure if they're wholly method but Hardy and Wilkinson also seem to be able to pull off decent period drawls, as well. To my non-Southern ears, anyway. Dunno what all these classically-trained British actors would sound like attempting a more contemporary one. If anyone can pull it off, though, I'm pretty sure Oldman would be able to, if he hasn't already. >.<
From what little I've heard in The Counselor, Fassbender sounds okay to me when he does generic American. I say little cos I couldn't sit still past the first 20 minutes and gave up altogether after the 30-minute mark. I can't remember what he sounded like in Band of Brothers. I didn't even remember him in there at all. All in all, I haven't seen too many of his movies to judge if he's able to do other sorts of accents but I don't think what he did or didn't do in XMFC is a good indicator of his capabilities.
Cumberbatch I've only ever heard speak non-Brit in August Osage County and while I wasn't impressed, and I've heard horrid imitations before despite not being the overly nitpicky sort when it comes to accent mimicry, I can't confidently tell if he's absolutely terrible or not. I'll leave that up to more seasoned ears. He sounded great singing in there, though.