i. No story. Nothing happens other than Brock gets infected, has one big chase scene, then a final battle with another symbiote. I was looking for something with more story...
ii. Venom. What was his plan or ambition? Other than a vague "I like this planet" and "I'm a loser like you" I had no clue why he did the things he did. Did I miss a line or dialogue expanding on this?
Does he just hang out with Brock now, eating bad guys to sustain himself? What brings him out? Is it fear/rage like the Hulk? He seemed able to bring himself out at will so why not just stay that way all the time? Or does Brock have the ability to contain him (although we didn't see much of that).
iii. Venom eats people? Or just their heads? Or their organs? What was that about? Brock is okay with this(!) as long as it's bad guys... as determined by Brock hisself, I guess. Plus Venom decapitates a bad guy in the convenience store (to eat his head I guess) and the lady behind the counter barely lifts an eyebrow.
What happens if Venom doesn't eat? Does he starve? Is he able to use the food that Brock eats... we see Brock initially stuffing all sorts of stuff in his face to quell the hunger, but it doesn't seem to have much effect on Venom's desire to eat heads.
iv. Woody Harrelson's brief cameo as Carnage in preparation for the sequel. Wtf was with that goofy Bozo hair? Is that something lifted from the comic book character?
v. The other symbiote... why did it take him six months to get to New York? We see that all he had to do was take over a body in an airport. But apparently he spend six months as a Malaysian woman doing... what exactly?
I could go on....
I just found the movie too random, leaving lots of unanswered questions in its wake.