How the hell did demon Dex get in the bathroom when he would have to get in the room with the spells on them ? and 2 how did Colin get possessed ? i must be blind as a bat because i didn't see him get bit or anything .
I realize theres a bunch of posts in reply to your question but none that really answer it.
Heres what I got out of it. The blood in the bathtub was coming from the faucet. The bathroom was not protected by the symbols only the bedroom was. As they were safe in the bedroom the tub starts dripping blood. Once its full they are in there washing up and realize ohhh sh!t theres no symbols in here. Demon pops up through some sort of blood portal and is able to get into the bathroom.
Colin didnt get bitten he broke his leg in the fall, the blood was falling from above out of the bathroom. The demon blood hit his broken bone and got to him that way.
Hope this helps.
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Actually you made me realize something. Colin fell in the floor because he was possessed. Think about it he got bit in the bathroom and because he couldn't be in the room he broke the floor and fell. I mean, there was nothing wrong with the floor for him to fall like that, I think once the Demon got inside him he broke the floor because of the spells. I mean it makes more sense than the floor just breaking on its own and him transforming for no reason.
I realize Im months too late to reply but if you see this, I don't get the impression the demons are that smart. Not saying theyre dumb but to me it just made sense that the building was old and in disrepair, and possibly had termite damage. He fell and blood or whatever got into his leg and boom possession. It seems he was also trying to warn them away once they were down there helping him.