MovieChat Forums > The Wonder Years (2021) Discussion > Is this going to be historically accurat...

Is this going to be historically accurate or...

A word for word script of the show, with just a black cast? Because those times were pretty insane for black people in America....js.


It definitely wont be historically accurate. But it is set in Alabama so expect nothing but well-dressed, highly educated, well spoken, blacks being mistreated by dumb slack jawed rednecks who drive pick up trucks.


Yeah. It sounds like a wokefest.


I have a pickup truck AND a white picket fence. I must be ready for KKK membership.


No, it has white characters. Of course, every. single. one. is a bigot.


I think the word 'bigot' needs to be redefined for a modern audience, most of whom are more sophisticated, better educated and informed on the important issues than the audience back when the original series aired and when the word had been defined to be more exclusive than inclusive. Today, we can be more discerning and aware of true bigotry in all its guises.


Yeah - the generation that eats Tide Pods and needs "safe spaces" really is "more sophisticated, better educated and informed on the important issues." The "woke" crowd.


It will be the "new" history. Only certain parts shown to get certain reactions.


Caught an episode. It struck out that they had an episode of the goldbergs promoting the original series(?) and then were supposed to have Fred Savage guesting on the show coming on after (I had a weather alert so it was preempted)

The promotion lineup did not make sense if they were trying to actually push the 1960's black experience---I sense trouble in the ratings and/or behind the scenes somewhere. They would not have to keep bringing up the original wonder years if this show were solid.

Still think the show would have done well if they called it something else. The 'balloons' gag WAS funny and they didn't shy away from gender. Shame they did not give this idea it's own title.
