You americans

sure are weird making a movie like this. It's not normal but then again you've always been a little weird with all that religious crap and such.

I say again this movie is not normal.


I usually don't comment on ignorant posts, but can we please stop generalizing and categorizing by invisible lines we've drawn on paper? It's completely stupid and silly and just downright ridiculous at this point, although I realize I'm being incredibly optimistic by ever assuming mankind will transcend these borders that we, ourselves, have created to define us.

Also agree with all the above comments in that I have seen more/equally messed up films coming from Asian/European cinema, so it's a stupid statement in that respect as well.

One more note that will not matter because I'm sure my reply will attract criticism, but I hardly think of America as religiously-obsessed, so to speak. Are you, the original poster, not aware of all of the religiously-based wars happening globally? No matter what your personal beliefs, Religion is everywhere in various forms.

That is all.


weird is good. well, not always, but often
and weird is far from exclusive to the US

"I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me..."


oh come on, guy 😅

See: Benny's Video (1992) in no way American😉

your beard is good.


I like the cut of your gib Deb. Gorgeous AND into horror films. If only you hadn't given up posting on this site in June! But then you've escaped so good on ya girl.

Oh and every country makes weird films so it's ridiculous to imply American's ONLY make weird films. Them and the Japanese are just the best at them is all. :-)
