Frankenfurter was not a woman and should not be played by one. Adam Lambert would have been a better choice. The only really good choice is R. Carney as Riff Raff. The trailer just looks awful. The movie was perfect the first time around, I don't understand why someone decided to ruin it.
It was some BIG OLD TWAT WAFFLE! It does say the Casting By -
Eric Dawson Stephanie Gorin Carol Kritzer Robert J. Ulrich
They seem to all have generic TV show casting resumes, "CSI", "Supernatural", "The Mentalist"...
I'd wager that barely any of the main cast went through extensive auditions to gain their roles, unlike most musical theater. Seems like this is mostly stunt-casting starting from Ms. Cox on down. Probably Adler & Ortega had a lot to do with the selection. IMO Annaleigh Ashford seems to have the best musical theater experience, followed by Lambert. Primo Broadway dancer Ben Vereen is now stuck in a wheelchair, while the fabulous Tim Curry is REALLY stuck in a wheelchair. Go figure.
I feel like a transsexual, playing a transsexual, was a good choice. Having such a well relieved transsexual, as Laverne, play the transsexual was a great choice.
Are you just TROLLING benjamin_higginbotham?! Frank N. Furter is not, has never been and will never be a "transsexual" character. The role is a transvestite male, to be played by a male.
Was going to say that the good Doc was 'just a sweet transvestite'! I liked the fact that he was obviously a man (when we're first introduced to him in the original) who was happy being himself rather than wanting to be a woman. Say what you want, though- it would take balls for anyone to step into Tim Curry's platforms...
Precisely. He seemed to enjoy being a man, too. Just liked dressing up the way he did in more 'feminine' clothing, and and putting on the makeup etc. Clearly bisexual, liking both men and women.
I really don't see how this role is going to translate to a transexual woman. I have nothing again Laverne Cox, she's amazing... but her in this role is really perplexing.
Riddle wrapped inside an enigma, wrapped inside a taco.
Agenda driven remake, like Ghostbusters 2016, and an even bigger disaster.
A transvestite would not have breast implants etc. It seemed to me like the people responsible for this weren't fans of the original at all, or didn't really care about it much. They managed to screw up the Time Warp for Chris'sake, I've seen Jr. High school stage versions of TRHPS where they did 1000X better on that one.
"Man without relatives is man without troubles." Charlie Chan
a person, typically a man, who derives pleasure from dressing in clothes appropriate to the opposite sex.
Transsexual noun
1. a person who emotionally and psychologically feels that they belong to the opposite sex. 2. a person who has undergone hormone treatment and surgery to attain the physical characteristics of the opposite sex.
Honestly, it surprises me that Laverne Cox herself even took the role... If anything it makes her look like a hypocrite, and demeans everything she had advocated against for so long... being reduced to just a man in drag, when that's something she is not.
For so long she's been an advocate for bringing trans issues to the forefront and making people aware of the differences between a drag queen, a transvestite and a trans-gender person. Then she goes and does this and will sing about being a sweet transvestite as a trans-gender woman? Eh. No.
Riddle wrapped inside an enigma, wrapped inside a taco.
I'm with you. No cast will ever be equal to, much less better than, the original. Why mess with perfection? Tim Curry IS Frank-N-Furter. No one else (especially not a female) will ever do justice to the part. Adam Lambert might have come close, but a girl? WTF are they thinking?
Excuse me, but EVERYONE should constantly bitch about remakes. Particularly the ones, like this, that are made for obvious cash ins. Particularly when the original film version is so beloved. These constant and pointless remakes of genre favorites (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Psycho, Manchurian Candidate, Halloween, Carrie, the Omen, Poltergeist, The Wicker Man, The Stepford Wives, Rosemary's Baby, Planet of the Apes, Nightmare on elm Street, Texas Chainsaw etc.) are generally terrible outings that serve only to line a producer's pockets for the opening weekend and then whore up the HBO Waves for years to come. I'm so f@*king sick and tired of these "good intentions" about remakes that surface when they are in production or about to be released. All the Bullsh*t rhetoric about "reimagining" or "retooling for a new generation" (which almost always means adding cell phones and texting sequences)is just infuriating. With rare exceptions, most of these film are simply terrible and remain embarrassments after their releases. Everyone knows it's a ruse to make money and it's just catering to our increasingly dopey culture.
Yes, you can still look at the original but WHY do they have to coexist with crap reflections no one cares about? i say stop it at the source. Moviegoers should just publicly boycott these remake productions. The sad fact is most people don't care because they've been so beaten down by our cheap culture. These original films are popular for a reason, many of them have become cultural touch stones for fans. There's something truly annoying about a greedy studio or production company's reflex to shake more cash out of these films and make them again. How about just re-releasing them?
The Rocky Horror Picture Show has a completely unique history in film culture and in popular culture. It's a film that the audience co-opted and in many ways now "owns" so to speak. Remaking the film seems like a knock to the original and its legion of fans. I won't bother and share my thoughts about invalid Tim Curry appearing in this thing to give it some credibility.
The same reasons they ruined a bunch of old movies with awful remakes in the past couple years:
1. Hollow-wood is out of ideas because they only hire sniveling sycophants who are far more skilled at sucking off their bosses than at writing.
2. Regurgitating an old film is far easier than taking a risk on something new.. and when the garbage writers try anything new, they usually fail anyway... see previous reason.
3. Cheap cash grabs trying to take advantage of nostalgia.
4. They're all idiots who make money off of people who are even stupider than themselves.
Lambert as Frankenfurter would have been good casting. He would have killed it. He's totally wrong as Eddie. Lavern Cox could have been a good Magenta. I suspect TPTB just wanted to cast Cox as some kind of SJW statement.