My review

I just finished watching the new Valley Girl movie. Directed by Rachel Lee Goldenberg, this version is a musical adaption of the 1983 romantic comedy of the same name. It is about a valley girl who falls for a punk from the wrong side of the tracks. I really enjoyed it. Valley Girl is a vibrant, fun, high energy blast from the past. The film celebrates the music, styles, and atmosphere of the 80s in a really charming and delightful way. The song and dance numbers are great and the costumes and sets are wonderful too. The cast includes Jessica Rothe, Joshua Whitehouse, Ashleigh Murray, Jessie Ennis, Chloe Bennet, Mae Whitman, and Alicia Silverstone. I rate this version of Valley Girl a 9/10 and recommend it to anyone looking for some musical fun.


Honestly, same opinion. This movie has a lot of positives and very few negatives, whether you're into musicals, teen films or 80s music (or none of those). Surprisingly, it's also strangely reminiscent of the best of 90s teens flicks. I'm shocked by the poor rating, which I don't understand at all.


What does the studio pay these days for these reviews?


I wouldn't know. I have never paid by any studio for any of my reviews.


I would like to ask your age, and the reason for doing so consists of the following:

Trying to determine who this film was produced for...

Wondering what age people are that accept remakes so willingly, as opposed to great original new ideas, and just watching the original film and liking it for it's "80s" environment, as opposed to an artificially created 80s retro thing as presented here (pretty inaccurately too, I might add)

Not trying to offend or argue, just wondering what age group is enjoying this production?

As example, I would not choose to support a remake of say, "Casablanca" or even "Titanic" just to see newer better sets, or younger, more popular current stars in them. I would simply re-watch the originals and enjoy those again.


I'm a straight white Canadian male, currently aged 39 (my birthday is in 2 days). I usually don't like the idea of remakes, but I genuinely enjoyed this film.


interesting, thanks


Well having lived in the 80's that explains a lot. Canadians were always weird compared to Americans in the 80's they didn't seem to become Americanized until later which explain why he didn't understand that the movie missed the mark of what the 80's in America was actually like. A bit like a take on the movie by someone that grew up in China in the 80's trying to comment on a movie set in India in the 80's... Sure they share a border but it doesn't mean that the person in China has a clue about what India was actually like.


I saw it too and it's nothing more than a send up on "Grease".

Furthermore, it totally fails to capture anything nuanced about 80s teen youth and has the same generalized viewpoint of The 80s as Grease did of the late 50s/early 60s. It's all fluff and the musical numbers are generic Broadway level ad nauseaum


I enjoyed this movie as well. It reminded me of Zoeys extraordinary Playlist which i also enjoyed. I never grew up in California nor did i see the original movie, so if this movie craps on those things as other people have said, then i never noticed or cared and i enjoyed it as a standalone movie.
I have also been a big fan of Jessica Rothe ever since Happy DeathDay...
