Brad Pitt worst film to date!
Absolutely terrible
shareThanks so much. Good to talk tonhou
shareBy the Sea was the worst movie he had a starring role in, largely because Angelina Jolie is not a good writer or director.
not even close.
Cool World
The Devils Own
Meet Joe Black
The Favor
These are all laughably bad. I'll admit this was his worst movie in a long time.
How dare you miss Ad Astra!
shareKalifornia? That is Pitt's best work bar none. He was completely believable as a psycho hillbilly in that and played off David Duchovony really well. I loved that movie.
Also, he wasn't bad in Cool World, and it was a weird but uniquely 90s film. Not a very good film, but Kim Basinger was SUPER HOT in that film and Holly Wood was an interesting and sexy villainness.
I'm not saying his performance is bad necessarily, but those are definitely bad movies.
shareI love the movie Kalifornia.
Not bad at all.
Kalifornia is pretty sweet. It's the only one on that list I've watched multiple times.
shareGood film.
shareHardly. Cool world is still the worst.
shareWhat didn't you like about it? What movies in this genre that have been released recently would you say are a lot better?