What’s this? A non-woke modern blockbuster?
Holy shit. I can’t believe what I just watched. A fun popcorn flick devoid of woke messaging.
It didn’t even have any bullshit ‘climate change’ propaganda which is incredible for a movie about freak storms.
Black characters were allowed to be evil, straight white males were allowed to be heroic. The South was portrayed in a sympathetic, wholesome and affectionate way instead of a cesspit teeming with racist goobers.
I couldn’t believe my eyes.
Yes, we had a female lead, but she was flawed and vulnerable, and wasn’t constantly upstaging her white male co-star. They made a likeable duo and you actually wanted them to get it on.
Unlike the recent Scream films, diverse characters could die or be villainous. It was refreshing to not be able to predict what happens purely on the race and gender of the characters.
The film is far from a masterpiece but it’s a well made and enjoyable tub of popcorn with no political agenda, and that makes it a rare unicorn in this woke hellscape.
Here’s hoping this is a sign of things to come. Could Hollywood finally be putting the woke away..?