MovieChat Forums > I Spit on Your Grave (2010) Discussion > Is it correct of us to cheer when they v...

Is it correct of us to cheer when they violently die as vengeance for their deed?

And not think instead that they should be arrested, given a trial and locked up, and to see them as offenders and even guilty criminals but not utterly evil and irredeemable monsters in need to be destroyed? Even if them being given at times, even if sadly far from always, over 20 years in jail and not say slightly less etc, and sometimes even more for murder but not always, which sort of gives the impression that the justice system DOES see them as monsters too, right?

Is that why we also have sex offender registries, or is it for more than just the culprits being mostly UNLIKABLE, as unlikable as they ARE though?

Even if on some occasions like say self defense and them being guilty of too many such offenses they may deserve to die as well, but not always, right?

PLUS... I HAVE seen some low reviews of this movie that suggest that, as wrong as they were, violently killing them as part of vengeance was not the answer and was the SECOND wrong, but are those reviewers WRONG? And what if say they did another violent crime but not one of a sexual nature? Would it be right to see them as monsters AND wish them a painful death or torture or both?



They were good kills in the movie but not done in the stunts to make someone cheer.The most reaction I gave was that she has a hot body.


Yeah but you kind of missed the point, no offense "elcamino". What I really meant to say was, as bad as their deed no doubt was, are we really meant to morally think that violently killing them in vengeance was the RIGHT answer? And not say excessive and over the top retribution that, even if not morally too wrong, is at least not to be encouraged either?

And people with this movie and others of the sort DID cheer, thinking that they really did deserve to die and that vigilante vengeance was the right way to go.


"The most reaction I gave was that she has a hot body."
Why is that even relevant??


No.. Eye for an Eye in this case and no amount of Justice would've served the victim other than death to her captors who tortured and raped her and left her to be dead..


So in other words... Maybe we're not 100% supposed to but it is somewhat UNDERSTANDABLE that we DO and we can't and shouldn't be blamed for it, something like that? Thought so!


On a related but somewhat different note -

As much as I obviously wish that such things didn't happen in the first place, obviously from the basic point of view and victims' feelings and whatnot, I also can't help but wish...

That other aspects such as legal flaws and societal ones like victim blaming and whatnot did not exist either. Not least because, I always felt that even without it the matter is horrible and bad and it is always the perpetrator who is evil, knowing that other side exists just makes the matter further unpleasantly and needlessly complicated.

If only humanity was perfect or at least generally decent overall - indeed.

Also... With some other aspects, like some I won't mention out loud, but then, of course they don't in any actual way mitigate the existence of those matters in their typical original way and form. Some of those I never even knew or thought of before. But, oh well...
