i just saw the movie.yes i agree with everyone else,first thing i thought is a woman all alone going to a cabin miles away from civilization.i mean so many things can happen.maybe not bad people,maybe bad animals,maybe she falls and twists her ankle,running through the trees and she has to walk to get help.many things happen when in nature.especially when we see that she is a city girl 100%.she gets scared easily with every noise she hears,she gets nervous she damages her phone.when you know you're not used to being in nature you don't go all alone with nowhere around for any help.man or woman.now having said that of course it seems even more stupid when you know you're watching a thriller.if it was a social movie and a woman goes for solitude thinking about her life.then she meets a stranger walking by and they have an affair.she returns to the city stronger and happier.now that's not so scary.but in a thriller so many things feel wrong.and the villagers are all sick as hell.almost always.