I saw them both for the first time within the same weekend.
I started with the original, and wasn't very impressed with it. Actually, I found it kinda silly. It starts off well enough, and what felt like a 20-30 minute torture/rape scene did it's job of making me feel terrible for Jennifer, but just about everything that happens after that feels terribly unbelievable - Would you really jump in a tub with with someone that you raped, left for dead, and held a gun to you just moments earlier? The seduction scenes felt amateur-ish, and the last 5 minutes of the film actually made me laugh. It diffused everything that happened earlier.
So, after watching the original, my expectations for the remake were pretty low.
LOVED the remake! This movie felt truly cruel. For me, there was nothing about Jennifer's revenge that felt silly, or diffused what had happened to her earlier. There were no hammy seduction scenes, and no silly characters present to distract from a very serious and hate-filled objective. The revenge was adequately cruel, and the ending was very satisfying.
The remake blindsided me, as I wasn't expecting the direction, writing, and editing to be as competent as they were. And I certainly wasn't expecting a performance like Sarah Butler's in what I thought would be a trashy, uninspired remake to an original film that underwhelmed me.
This is definitely a rare instance where I clearly prefer the remake to the original. Actually, I can't think of another horror movie where that would be the case.