MovieChat Forums > I Spit on Your Grave (2010) Discussion > Who got the worst punishment?

Who got the worst punishment?

Opinions. For me, Stanley


Chubby boy with the fishhooks in the eyelids, that had to hurt, at least a little.

My World:


Yep, that's Stanley


Johnny. Getting your Johnson cut off with hedge clippers and shoved down your own throat after you've had your teeth pulled out with rusty pliers tops it all for me.


I have to the sheriff with the gun rammed up his ass!


The dude who had to hold himself above the bathtub and then he'd fall in the water with something like acid that burns


The audience?

Just kidding, not a bad horror.


Lol that was a good one


The audience.


Jennifer. She may have gotten revenge but an assault like that never leaves you. It changes you in ways you can't imagine, and the first day it doesn't invade your thoughts a single time will be the day after you die. Her attackers endured physical torture and horrible deaths, but they did not have to live with the aftermath.

The sheriff's family is punished terribly as well. They are presumably innocent in everything but have to live with the knowledge that they never realized someone they loved and trusted was not even human, but a twisted monster in disguise.


I would say the guy who had his dick cut off and had it shoved in his mouth, which i thought was funny because the bastard deserved it! 
