You don't kill 5 people, 1 being a sheriff who you also kidnapped his daughter and showed yourself to his wife and expect to get away with it. They should have at least made it so there wasn't evidence so you could really feel like she got revenge. But there is definitely enough proof to put her away for life. I don't care how much evidence she hides, any average forensics team and detectives could put it together.
You don't get gang raped, abused, beaten half to death while feeling terrified for your life and beyond all normal realms of humiliation but then still give two *beep* about wether you're going to jail or not. At that point it's down to the animal inside every human, it's you or them and come hell or high water you aren't going to let it be you.
Completely agree, I'm certain she's well past the point of caring about legal repercussions. Honestly, I could see her committing suicide just minutes after the final scene, she clearly was lost in despair.
I disagree with those saying she was blinded by rage and didn't think on anything else than pure revenge, since her plan was a very elaborated one. She punished each one of her aggressors the same way they attacked her: chocking the one who choked her, drawning the one who put her face on the mud, ripping the eyes of the "voyeur" and you know what happened to the other two... She must have planed it very well before acting. Some sort of "Saw" movies copycat.
You people are so stupid, do you seriously think she'd mind at that point?
Everything she knew as being "life" no longer exists for her.
I can only assume that getting violently raped, living out of nothing in the woods and sadistically killing 5 people would put you in a state of mind where going back to be a part of the modern society isn't an option. Prison for life or death or anything else would most likely be OK with her at that point.
Before asking yourself stuff like "She knows shes going to jail for life right?", put yourself in the shoes of the character and wonder "Does she care about what happens to her at this point?".
I don't think she really cares what happens to her after she has gotten her revenge. I sincerely doubt that she planned to get away with it, and only thought it thru well enough to buy enough time to kill her attackers.
You're going about this as if she was still a reasonable person with desires of returning to a life before the attack. In her mind, she's already dead/gone, and spending the rest of her life in jail would be no different than spending her life outside it. To do what she did, in the manner in which she did it, I thought it was obvious that she simply didn't care anymore, much less thought of a positive future beyond her blood-soaked objective.
It's easier to grasp if you look at her like The Terminator rather than someone like Dexter. The Terminator doesn't think to clean up it's tracks because it simply doesn't care, and it certainly doesn't think of how it will operate, or blend in, or escape consequence beyond completing it's objective. Jennifer Hill basically goes into Terminator mode after the attack.
In any other "free" country, she would serve a minimal sentence, if any. Sorry, the rest of the civilized world doesn't routinely lock people in prison forever like the United States.
Hell, in the UK you would serve 8 to 10 years for 1st degree murder. In the US, you could serve anywhere from 25 to 100+ years depending on how brutal the murder was. Yes, there is a big difference between prisons of "modern democracies" and the gulags of the United States.
The movie ends when she completes her revenge. Who cares for the legal aspects of it? Fortunately, this is not a "Law & Order" episode.
True, but you have to admit this has been a pretty interesting hypothetical thread. How often do horror movies deal with the aftermath of all the death and carnage? Especially in this case where you have a young woman who was brutalized and then killed all of her attackers.
I think ti could be cool to see this from a 12 Angry Men perspective. Assuming she was caught and assuming the case went to trial and assuming the rape video was entered into evidence, how would a jury rule?
But as someone else mentioned, if the rape video surfaces there's no way it would go to trial. I doubt a jury would ever convict her. The sentiment would be that yes she killed those guys but they had it coming.
Don't try to cash in love, that check will always bounce.
What really amazes me is people playing defense team for those waste of space redneck jerks! They were not innocent victims. To hell with them!! Those insensitive rapists ruined her forever. I got some satisfaction seeing them getting killed and every woman should too. Even more cos the acting in this one is superior to the 1978 classic! All power to Jennifer!