MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Discussion > Fanboys are right! Snyder is the bluepri...

Fanboys are right! Snyder is the blueprint for...

Fanboys are right! Snyder is the blueprint for making superhero movies SUCK!

Chloe Zhao says she was "inspired" by Zack Snyder's "take" on Superman in Man of Steel when she made 'Eternals':

I don't doubt it, since BOTH of those films SUCK and are Certified Rotten on RT! MOS causing the "DCEU" to be stillborn, and Eternals derailing the once-golden MCU.

Ironically, the Snyderites have gotten it right this time, for the WRONG reasons (just like how they were accidentally correct when they pointed out that Henry Cavill "just isn't Superman" in Man of Steel)

Cavill's version of the character is indeed "just not Superman", and Snyder is indeed "the blueprint" for other comic book movie directors, if they want a textbook example of how NOT to make a superhero movie.

Want your superhero movie to get a slew of negative reviews, awful word of mouth, and get nominated some of embarrassing bad Razzies? Watch what Zack Snyder does, and then duplicate his "formula"

Want to make a GOOD superhero movie? Watch what Zack Snyder does in his superhero movie, then proceed to do the EXACT OPPOSITE.

The verdict is in!
