MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Discussion > Did you bother to see JL in cinema Nov 2...

Did you bother to see JL in cinema Nov 2017. If so what did you think?

I did. Thought it was OK-meh, obviously more fun/jokey/lighter than BvS. the highlight was the resurrected Superman vs Avengers scene.. the rest just meh


Nope, I haven't seen of the Snyderverse since MOS was released. His "vision" for DC is absolutely wrong.


I had a monthly-fee based membership to one of my local cinemas at the time, so I pretty much saw anything I found even half interesting. It was hard to just take it at face value because all of the production problems were so well known. I quite enjoyed it, but the seams showed, and it didn't in anyway feel like a movie worthy of starring three of the most famous characters from the last 100 years.


2017: 4/10
2021: 8/10


2017: 0/10
2021: 0/10


2017 5/10
2020 3/10

Its practically the same movie, just longer and more boring.


I did....

I'd rather talk about my BvS experience...

BvS was my 2nd most anticipated movie of all time....

I actually very much liked MOS(despite admitting it has major problems)....I also felt BvS's first Trailer might be the best Trailer ever made.

So I was incredibly excited for BvS.

NO WORDS can describe the SHOCK and almost Bewilderment I felt while watching BvS,I literally had feeling of "Is this real? or I am honestly having a Nightmare right now, I am really in a movie theater right now", Like I honestly almost could not accept or comprehend the Level of AWFULNESS I was seeing and experiencing

This all culminated in The most mocked Movie Moment in The History in cinema, after we got a 7 minute fight between Batman and Superman, where they let Batman clearly STOMP Superman and where Literally every single Key moment of the fight had been SPOILED and shown in Trailers and Clips leading up to the movies releases.....and Then It Happened...."Martha"........lololol

Then I must admit somehow I still had hope for Maybe a Great awesome finale Battle and Instead we got a complete trainwreck on a finale featuring a Teenage Mutant Ninja Doomsday that was the Size of KING KONG that made it impossible for any of the heroes to actually fight Batman was absolutely useless and was limited to literally playing hide and seek and running and swinging away from Doomsday....Superman couldnt even Punch Doomsday because The Size difference was so

and thats not even mentioning a story that was nonsensical and impossible to follow due to Massive edits and An ALL TIME awful casting in a such a Key role as Jesse as Lex Luthor

I literally left the theater speechless...I then went from disbelief to just straight Anger...

It is my opinion that we somehow got the absolute worst possible Movie....and what I mean is....In 100 different Timelines, 100 different directors could have made BvS....some would have been Great, some would have been bad, some terrible....

But I'm convinced, Snyder Literally made the worst possible version of this movie....Literally no director could have made a worst movie than this....

somehow, we literally got the absolutely WORST possible version of a BvS movie...


No, I thought it looked like ass. I rented it last year on Amazon. It was ass.


I thought it was okay at first. I remember liking it more than BVS and I still find it more tolerable than BVS. But over time, it kind of irritated me how rushed and sloppy it was in a lot of scenes. 5/10 maybe.


^This. 5/10 too.

I like a few scenes quite a bit. Supe's resurrection fight was cool. The Amazons fighting to protect their box was fun. Everything else was bland or not good.

Zero interest in watching the new cut.


I did not like it at all. It just felt like a generic tv movie.

But the Snyder cut was much better.


yes, and i hated every second of it
