I will be streaming Superman & Lois for FREE on the CW next Tuesday
I have to work next Tuesday night, so I won't be home when Superman and Lois airs on the CW. Not to worry, I don't have to wait days or weeks for the episode to be rebroadcast, I can stream it on-demand on the CW's website for free.
That's right, FREE. No "$5.99 per month" for the "privilege" of viewing any of it over the internet instead of live TV. No "member signup" required. No "trial" period where I have to binge watch ALL 20 episodes in a paltry 3 days or I get charged for an entire month. FREE! FREE!! FREE!!! It's available to ANYONE in the U.S. to steam at NO FEE.
You Snyderites can enjoy paying $15 EVERY month to the "worst streaming service" (in the words of Christopher Nolan himself, co-creator of the Snyderverse) for the "privilege" of seeing Snyder polish his latest turd.
I will be enjoying streaming my VASTLY SUPERIOR Superman for FREE.