Joss Wheadon

A few months ago Ray Fisher (Cyborg) accused Joss Weadon of mistreatment during the shot of Justice's League... and nobody cared.
I remember that none of the actors supported him and even some media made fun of him saying that he wanted attention.
However, actress Charisma Carpenter accused Wheadon of sexual harassment and everyone went crazy with the news. Several Buffy actors came out to back her up.
Why does that happen? When a man made that accusation NOBODY CARED


Nobody cared because Joss Weadon's Justice League failed miserably.


I think that's generally how the "Modern Rights" work globally.


Today’s kids get all offended when they get screamed at, they are truly a bunch of whiny khunts like Fisher


I thought Jason Momoa stood up for him? And Gadot did state that she has trouble working with Whedon (probably has something to do with the guy insisting to shoot Gadot sex scene.)

I think it's more like people playing politics. They don't want to risk their future in the industry. While Buffy's people have no problem with that.


Ben Affleck didn't like working with Joss, but that's about it.


I think most people, myself included, didn't care about the Fisher accusation because he never even explained what the supposed "mistreatment" WAS. He needs to actually accuse Whedon of DOING something to him, or else it just sounds like petty nonsense from someone trying to get their name in the press.


Duh, because men cant be raped? Havent you been listening to feminists?
