I'm actually stunned!

first let me say....

I consider BvS to be the biggest creative failure in Movie history...The Theatrical cut is one of the worst movies I've ever seen(Literally by far my worst Theatrical experience ever), I consider the Ultimate cut to be slightly better but still Brutally awful.

I consider Justice League(2017) to be the worst CBM ever made and I dont actually consider it a Movie, Instead its a Frankenstein monster of scenes edited together to meet a mandatory 2 hour run time.

for me, what Zack Snyder did with BvS is Unforgivable and I had a similar Opinion about Justice League(2017)....I assumed The reports were true that Snyder did in fact delivered an "Unwatchable cut" of the film to WB and once again had SHIT THE BED and WB had no choice but to fire him and try to salvage the movie somehow...

I had absolutely ZERO hope or interest in The Snyder CUT.....

annnnnnnnnnnnnd I just got done watching it and I'm completely blown away.....

It was pretty damn good....Literally 100 times better than I could have ever hoped for.

by far the most amazing part for me Is The VILLAIN....I consider Steppenwolf in JL(2017) to be the worst Villain in CBM history, Literally a joke that made no sense and had no motivations, Honesty he wasnt even a character...

But Here in this cut, it was the difference between NIGHT and DAY....A True Villain, with Perfectly articulated Motives that made sense and you perfectly understood his plan and actions....and yes The Look and design of Steppenwolf in this version is also a Massive Improvement.

everything about this film was shockingly Good and some parts GREAT...The action sequences were SO Much Better...The characters were so much more fleshed out.

I truly enjoyed this movie...

with that being said....I do believe its about 45 Minutes too long, Theres easily 45 minutes that could be cut and it probably would be better.

I also do not believe this is the film we would have gotten even if Snyder would have never left...I think This film Gets a massive benefit from Snyder being able to literally do whatever he wants and to have almost 4 years to think about how to put this movie together.

and despite being blown away by how good it is, I dont think This film could have succeeded theatrically....Or succeeded in the way the Studio would have wanted or Hope...

The 2017 version is so horrifically awful, you cant help but to appreciate and notice the superiority of this movie....which has lead to More Positive reviews NOW...But had this exact movie been released in 2017 and Whedon's JL never existed...IMO This film would have been extremely decisive and probably panned

Overall, I do understand why people would dislike This film...Snyders take on these characters are not what the General Public knows of these characters and doesnt fit the 80+ years history of these characters...lol An Evil Superman simply would not work in any form(even though I admit I now understand what Snyder was going for and even admit I would NOW be interested in seeing a sequel)but it would never work....The Runtime even if cut down by 45 mins would still be too long for The overwhelming Majority of the general Public....

Buuuuuuuuut for me, I'm Impressed, quite stunned and very much enjoyed the movie, I truly did not think anything close to a good movie could be made out of what I saw from Justice League(2017) and after Snyder's horrific failure with BvS...

but for me....This was damn good.


Joss Whedon Looks like a complete HACK now.....I understand he was put in probably an impossible position....But Jesus...He not only Butchered the film and cut out Literally EVERYTHING that was important but we now know the scenes he added were just absolutely AWFUL...


Why wouldn't an evil superman work???

We do know that an evil superman destroyed a parallel earth version in the "Superman and Loise" show ...

When you take the Multiverse into account there are a lot of Superman out there ... and some are evil ...


I agree with everything you wrote except the cutting 45 minutes. I was ready to watch even more, I thoroughly enjoyed it. A surprisingly great film. I enjoyed it more than any of the Avengers films. It's the best superhero film for me since Winter Soldier. And it makes the theatrical version look even worse. I am not a Snyder fan, either. I've disliked more of his films than I've liked. I give this one a very solid 9/10.


At least in Joss Whedon version. Superman actually wanted to fucking save people. In this version Superman maim somebody and Wonder Women chops his head off. Very Compelling Cinema there, Best Superman ever, right, right. The only improvement was Cyborg. And Please stop acting like Zack Snyder is the new Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick. This just like all his other movies. Long, boring, pretentious and self indulgent with a lot of fucking Slow-mo.
