MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Discussion > Zaxk Snyders Justice League - An honest ...

Zaxk Snyders Justice League - An honest non troll review

Ok , i did make a post saying it sucked just to out the psycho Zaddy Snyder fans which I despise but enough of those braindead morons its time for an honest review.

WB, what the hell were you thinking releasing the Theatrical Cut!!!! Zack Snyder cut is vastly superior and is an excellent movie, i enjoyed it so much , didn't feel like 4 hours , Victor Stone (Cyborg) stole the show for me, excellent performance, thought Batman was a bit flat and the stakes were lowered when Superman returned, but I will give this a solid 8 out of 10, the best DCEU movie by a mile and I'm all for Justice League 2 and 3, which i doubt will happen seeing as there rebooting Batman and Superman.

Well done Zack Snyder , you finally hit a home run.


Now i don't know in which of your posts you're trolling ...

well played mister, well played!!!

I think they said the new batman will be in an alternate universe and just one movie.

About superman, we don't know yet.

All cards are on the table.
