Petiton You Can Sign

I know, I know. This probably wont work and its a waste of time but I cant not do anything.


signed and joined the facebook group

It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself.


I think it's hopeless but for what it's worth I am signer 7,370!


I am number 7449 Go Ted!

People once came to me at weddings and said "You're next" they stopped when I did it to them at funerals


I am number 10400! Let's save this show people!!!

BTW I also joined the Facebook group.


Well I signed the PD petition too and nothing came of it, but like you said I can't do *nothing*.

CURSE YOU, ABC! Why do you keep killing all the good shows??

Why settle with words what you can settle with a flamethrower?
