Favorite Line?

Mine is when Phil says,"remember when those super lice got out and tried to colonize me?" Now to think of it phil and lem have the best lines..


I love the episode where Veronica tells Lem and Phil they need to replace the intercom system because nobody could understand the existing one. Then it shows the intercom announcing it's fajita Friday in the cafeteria in an incoherent voice, and someone yells, "Oh my god! It's the intercom! Run!" and everyone runs screaming from the office!


It's not so much a line as a gesture, but after the scene where Linda headbutts the sexist charity foundation guy then Ted goes into try to convince him to back off Linda and Veronica. He says something like "no way! These chicks knocked me out and then the one with the bun (Veronica) stood over me doing this!" Then he does a pose like he's holding a gun and pointing that looks like Lynndie England in those Abu Ghraib torture photos. He finishes with "what the hell is that?!" Lol.


Lines might not be exact:-

Ted: You guys should take the high road
Lem: I don't like the high road... It's too high!
Phil: Yeah, we might fall off!

Ted: The girl we are competing against is on a wheelchair.
Veronica: Damn. That makes her highly competitive. We need to step up!

Veronica: You're so damned paranoid! That's why the company has to secretly manipulate you.

Veronica to Rose, Ted's daugther: You should always do what adults tell you to do, especially when they give you sweets.

Honestly, there are hundreds of these.

Also, not a quote. But in the episode where they sharing offices temporary, when Veronica walks in agitated, takes a gun from the drawers, screws on a silencer, and unloads on some pillow like furniture... The look on Ted's face, priceless. That scene gets me all the time.


Linda: (singing) Are you ready?
L: Yes I'm ready
L: Are you ready?
L: Yes I'm ready
Ted: (singing) Is your report ready?
L: No it's not ready
T: I should have your fish do it
L: He can only write "moh moh"

Veronica: Chew chew chew chew
Ted: What are you doing?
V: That's the sound of me deflecting your whiny bitching with my happiness shield

Veronica: They've decided upstairs to make be the fall guy for this who biocomputer thing
V: A project that wasn't even mine
T: Veronica, that's a gun
V: Blame the bird that dropped the turd
T: Veronica?!
V: Not the hat that got the splat
V: That's a basic rule of business
T: Veronica?
V: Don't these people know anything
T: What are you doing?!
V: [bang] [bang] [bang] [bang]
V: Aaaahhhhh, that always works
T: Mother!!!
V: Ted, you're a guest
V: I can't have you flinching every time I shoot a gun in here

"No more talking from things that don't talk!" - Jaye Tyler


Ted: Veronica. Quick Question.
Veronica: What is it with everyone and their questions this morning?
V: "Where'd you learn to drive?"
V: "Will you marry me?"
V: "Why would you say that to my baby?"

"No more talking from things that don't talk!" - Jaye Tyler


The deleted scenes from the cursing episode

And I really really hoped I wouldn't die


Can't remember the set-up but Lem was doing some dangerous test and assures Phil that, even if he doesn't make it, his mom will take Phil home

Gift card?? Who hurt you?


"Tonight we dine in hell!"
