No Guns?

What kind of candy ass neighborhood was invaded? I promise you that if paratroopers land in our back yards we start shooting. This movie is bad. BAD bad bad. So bad I'm ending it. Burn it. Burn Netflix. Burn bad film makers. Burn bad homeowners who aren't armed. Retitle: Candy Asses DIE DIE DIE!


So, you want to take on the Chinese army with a 92FS? I have one myself, and it's useful enough in an emergency. It's not something you're going to use to fight off a trained soldier in full gear, with an assault rifle, grenades and everything else.

Pistols are very short range weapons. What you see on TV and the movies is not remotely close to real life. Guys with pistols don't take on guys with rifles or shotguns. You would be very hard pressed to hit what you're aiming at beyond 50 yards, and that would have to be a stationary target at that distance.

Well the 92FS is an Army weapon. People in the Army use it and its an officer's sidearm. If it wasn't an effective weapon the Army wouldn't use it.


Do you think that the M9 is the first weapon an officer uses when he/she sees a target?

Stop being dense. Yes, the M9/92FS is a military weapon. Just like a Ka-bar or other military-issued knives. However, if you happen to find Chinese paratroopers dropping into your back yard, I don't think running outside and waiving your Ka-bar around is going to stop them. The same with a pistol - any pistol.


No the first weapon an officer uses would be his troops, his enlisted personnel since they're the ones that go into direct combat.

Anyway, against Chinese paratroopers I would use a high powered rifle, preferably a .375 H&H magnum or a good sniper rifle from a hidden position.



Wow, the libtard whining is strong in this thread.

dies ist meine unterschrift


This entire thread is an example of Americans having no fight left in them, and how they are all willing to just lay down and die if invaded. This country has become pathetic.


I was waiting for someone to make this obvious remark...Seems a lot of people posting here have numerous reasons NOT to resist but few have the stones to fight back....ANY weapon, any tactic and any means that ensures Our Freedom will be used by people that would rather die than live as slaves...Say what you want but most of America would be a bitch to occupy...But I suspect Libtard land would be the place to attack...They don't like guns..
