Jeff, I think you should ignore the chatter and focus on facts, as well as focus less on what happened nearly 2 centuries ago and rather on current situations.
We Brits indeed have a small army but a technologically advanced air force, which as you seem to have forgotten, is vital for victory in modern warfare. As do the Germans, and especially the French, all of whom are (still) very wealthy nations, and you need LOTS of money to pay for the latest avionics. Even combined, the nations in your alliance don't have a large enough kind of bank of avionics expertise, (nor enough disposable cash to create one quickly), to guarantee air superiority. If this 'Million-Man-Force' gathered, say, in the RF (Russian Federation), and launched into Poland en-route to Berlin and onwards, it would immediately have to contend with nato counterstrikes. The majority of the fight would occur on Polish soil, and there would be a LOT of missiles in the air, headed east. You'd need a few weeks to get that many men into position. We'd see the build up in the first couple of days, and start mobilising ourselves.
Could they take Berlin? You're troops need to be fanatics for this one. It would be a hell of a battle, ramp it up to your 3-4 million men, it could be done, for a symbolic gesture. But when you've finished...
Your forces are back down well below a million men, undernourished, underequipped, with little to no air cover left by now. They wouldn't get as far as the Fulda Gap before their supply lines and therefore their ranks dissolved through bombing and lack of supplies. The news doesn't get any you've gone and reawoken a giant that had been sleeping since 1945 - Germany. The loss of their treasured main city will provoke fury, and the German army's ranks will swell back to even beyond original strength. By this time the Spanish and Italians are also participating fully - you have about 300,000 airmen of various ranks and W/C European nationalities controlling the skies. Even if the remaining allied armies make it to the Rhine - and I assure you, the would NOT - they will be blown smithereens to by French nukes - and just as the Canucks don't want to be invaded, you can be sure that goes TENFOLD for the French, in whose national psyche the ghost of their defeat from invaders from over the Rhine looms hugely still. Your alliance falls apart, the finger-pointing starts, and peace reigns again, though it's a bloody peace, because nobody wins a war.
Invading Central Europe is not a realistic option.
By the way, I agree completely that the idea of NK troops ever reaching the US west coast is utter tosh.
Please note, I do not want comments from housewives, students or the unemployed.